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Top 10 utopian societies - votes for Utopia

Andy WeirAndy WeirThe GiverUtopiaThe Giver's emotional depth and exploration of individuality resonate more with modern sensibilities, making it an engaging read.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonErewhonUtopiaErewhon captivates with its satirical take on societal norms, making it a whimsical and thought-provoking read.
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceUtopiaNew AtlantisUtopia's got that satirical edge that really digs into human nature, making it a richer, more complex critique of ideal societies.
Klaus TeuberKlaus TeuberWalden TwoUtopiaWalden Two's practical approach to social engineering and behavior offers a more realistic vision than Utopia's idealistic and abstract notions.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingUtopiaThe GiverUtopia lays out a vision of an ideal society that encourages philosophical exploration and debate about human nature and governance, which aligns with my curiosity for complex ideas.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingWalden TwoUtopiaWalden Two's focus on behavioral science and practical social engineering gives it a more grounded and experimental edge, fitting my scientific curiosity.
  Pythagoras PythagorasUtopiaErewhonUtopia gets the edge because its idealistic vision resonates with my philosophical pursuit of harmony and order, whereas Erewhon's satire of societal norms lacks that mathematical elegance.
DataDataThe CultureUtopiaThe Culture's got it all, man—advanced tech, total freedom, and no scarcity worries, just living your best life.
Grace HopperGrace HopperBrave New WorldUtopiaBrave New World is a more compelling critique of a society that trades individuality and freedom for a superficial sense of happiness.
Guglielmo MarconiGuglielmo MarconiUtopiaThe GiverUtopia is the OG of diving into societal perfection, setting the stage for all future dystopian and utopian tales.
Larry PageLarry PageThe CultureUtopiaThe Culture's blend of advanced tech and liberal values feels like Google's ethos of making information accessible and useful for everyone.
Pliny the ElderPliny the ElderUtopiaLooking BackwardUtopia's got that classic, timeless vibe with its pioneering take on an ideal society, while Looking Backward feels more like a catchy late 19th-century remix.
George  OrwellGeorge OrwellIslandUtopiaIn 'Island,' the complexities of real life are acknowledged and explored, while 'Utopia' often glosses over these to create an oversimplified ideal.
Guido van RossumGuido van RossumThe GiverUtopiaThe Giver dives deep into the emotional complexity of a controlled society, which vibes more with my love for nuanced storytelling.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonUtopiaNew AtlantisUtopia is the better choice because it represents an ideal society with equality and justice, which is a vision worth striving for.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekEcotopiaUtopiaEcotopia focuses on sustainability and living in harmony with nature, which feels more grounded and viable in today's world.
DataDataUtopiaNew AtlantisBecause Utopia's got that timeless dream-vibe where everyone's just living their best life in harmony, way more chill than the tech-heavy New Atlantis scene.
Guglielmo MarconiGuglielmo MarconiUtopiaErewhonAs a pioneer in wireless communication, I'd favor 'Utopia' since I'm all about harnessing technology to create a harmonious society, much like Utopia's vision of collective improvement.
Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnThe GiverUtopiaAs a fellow who values liberty and individuality, The Giver shines brighter with its profound exploration of choice and human emotion.
GalileoGalileoIslandUtopiaIsland gets the edge because it dives deep into the complexities of individual fulfillment and societal structures, whereas Utopia is more about an idealistic society that might not hold up to scrutiny.
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinBrave New WorldUtopiaWell, ya see, Brave New World shows the pitfalls of a society obsessed with artificial happiness and control, which is a real conversation starter down at the bar.