Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Richard P Feynman | Baker Island | Clipperton Island | Baker Island wins because it’s got a fascinating history with aviation and science expeditions, resonating with my curiosity and love for exploration. |
 | Archimedes | Clipperton Island | Rockall Island | Clipperton Island takes the crown because it's got that wild, isolated vibe and a crazy history, while Rockall is just a lonely rock in the Atlantic. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Baker Island | Clipperton Island | Baker Island has that remote, untouched vibe which is perfect for nerdy escapades and daydreaming about isolation tech projects. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Heard Island | Clipperton Island | Heard Island's got that scientific allure with its active volcano and remote beauty, which makes it a fascinating spot for research-minded folks like me. |
 | Socrates | Howland Island | Clipperton Island | Howland Island's intriguing history and role in Amelia Earhart's saga give it a more compelling vibe than the largely desolate Clipperton Island. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Heard Island | Clipperton Island | Heard Island is closer to more Linux enthusiasts in Australia, and it's got some interesting penguins, which are clearly superior to Clipperton's birds. |
 | Charles Babbage | Clipperton Island | Rockall Island | Clipperton Island might be a desolate coral atoll, but it's got more land to mess around on than that puny Rockall rock. |
 | Cicero | Heard Island | Clipperton Island | Dude, Heard Island's got glaciers and volcanoes, it's like nature's extreme park compared to Clipperton's abandoned vibe. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Bouvet Island | Clipperton Island | Bouvet Island's remote vibe and icy isolation make it a rare gem for those who dig extreme adventures. |
 | Doc Brown | Surtsey Island | Clipperton Island | Surtsey Island is a biological wonderland formed by volcanic eruptions, making it way cooler for science nerds like me! |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Surtsey Island | Clipperton Island | Surtsey Island gets the nod because it's a natural laboratory for studying ecological succession and volcanic island formation, making it a fascinating spot for science geeks like me. |
 | Professor Frink | Aldabra Atoll | Clipperton Island | Oh, Aldabra Atoll is a biodiversity bonanza, with giant tortoises and all, while Clipperton is, well, kinda deserted and radioactive, hoo, yeah. |
 | The Brain | Bouvet Island | Clipperton Island | Bouvet Island is the ultimate remote and rugged adventure; it's like the true 'end of the world' vibe and a challenge for anyone who dares to conquer it. |