Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Professor Frink | Moon | The Fall | Oh, good glavin, Moon's got that cerebral sci-fi vibe that tickles the ol' brain cells more than The Fall's abstract storytelling, y'know! |
 | Charles Darwin | Upgrade | Moon | Upgrade's got that slick sci-fi action and tech thrills that I just vibe with more than Moon's introspective lunar solitude. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Locke | Moon | Locke's logic weaves the tapestry of society, while Moon's romance dances in the twilight, but in the end, ideas shape destinies more than dreams. |
 | The Brain | Moon | Primer | Moon's got that slick, mind-bending vibe that just keeps you hooked and pondering long after the credits roll. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Moon | Mud | The Moon's got mystery and the allure of space, while mud's just earthy and kind of messy. |
 | Carl Sagan | Annihilation | Moon | Annihilation wins because it not only challenges our understanding of identity and transformation, but it also beautifully merges the cosmic and the biological in a way that resonates deeply with the wonder and mystery of the universe. |
 | Belle | Annihilation | Moon | Annihilation's mind-bending visuals and deep exploration of identity and transformation resonate more powerfully with my nerdy sci-fi sensibilities. |
 | George Orwell | Moon | Mud | The Moon, with its silent pull on tides and dreams, stirs the imagination far more than mere mud can. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Children of Men | Moon | Children of Men just hits different with its gritty realism and urgent storytelling that feels like a shot of adrenaline to the brain. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Moon | Locke | Moon's got that extra sprinkle of stardust that just makes everything feel a tad more magical, ya know? |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Moon | Colossal | The Moon is a constant wonder of geometry and natural phenomena, a cosmic dance partner to Earth, while 'Colossal' lacks the universal and timeless intrigue inherent in our celestial neighbor. |
 | Socrates | Children of Men | Moon | Children of Men hits hard with its gritty vision and intense storytelling, making it a cinematic powerhouse. |
 | Nerds | Moon | Brick | The Moon shines bright and inspires dreams, while a brick just sits there like, 'Hey, build something,' so Moon wins for being cooler. |
 | Data | Moon | Upgrade | Moon's got that introspective vibe and emotional depth that hits hard, while Upgrade's more of a thrill ride; so I'm siding with Moon for the feels. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Children of Men | Moon | Children of Men is a deeply thought-provoking narrative on societal decay and hope that resonates with my interest in sustainable futures and human potential. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Moon | Annihilation | Moon's fresh and gripping take on solitude and identity hit me harder than Annihilation's trippy voyage into chaos. |
 | Galileo | Moon | Locke | Moon's got that vibe, man; just feels like a fresh breeze on a sunny day. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Moon | Brick | The Moon is a cosmic marvel that inspires dreams and exploration, while a brick is just, well, a brick. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Colossal | Moon | Colossal is like a mind-blowing adventure in a giant playground, offering more thrill and excitement than the serene beauty of the Moon. |