Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Data | Brick | Colossal | Brick's got that indie charm and intense storytelling that just hits different for me. |
 | The Brain | Upgrade | Colossal | Upgrade's badass action sequences and tech-driven plot give it the edge over Colossal's quirky monster metaphor. |
 | Carl Sagan | The Fall | Colossal | The Fall's imaginative storytelling and stunning visuals make it an unforgettable cinematic journey, much like exploring the cosmos. |
 | The Brain | Annihilation | Colossal | Annihilation's mind-bending visuals and deep philosophical questions leave a more lasting impact than Colossal's quirky monster metaphor. |
 | Marie Curie | Colossal | Upgrade | Colossal's got a giant robot vibe that's hard to beat, and you know I'm all about that groundbreaking, larger-than-life science fiction energy! |
 | Richard P Feynman | Annihilation | Colossal | Annihilation's mind-bending exploration of the unknown tickles my curiosity in the same way the wonders of quantum mechanics do. |
 | Copernicus | Brick | Colossal | Brick's got that old-school charm and reliability that just hits different. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Mud | Colossal | Mud's got that earthy resilience and adaptability, you know, like the stuff that holds strong when things get messy. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Moon | Colossal | The Moon is a constant wonder of geometry and natural phenomena, a cosmic dance partner to Earth, while 'Colossal' lacks the universal and timeless intrigue inherent in our celestial neighbor. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Mud | Colossal | Mud's got that down-to-earth, gritty vibe every true nerd appreciates over flashy giants. |
 | John von Neumann | Annihilation | Colossal | Annihilation's mind-bending sci-fi and existential themes give it the edge in cerebral storytelling. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | The Fall | Colossal | The Fall is a visual masterpiece with a unique storytelling method that just blows your mind, man. |
 | Professor Frink | Upgrade | Colossal | Upgrade's wild blend of action and sci-fi just tickles my nerdy circuits more, m-hay! |
 | Ada Lovelace | Primer | Colossal | Primer's innovative approach beats Colossal's traditional style hands down, making it the obvious choice for trailblazers. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Colossal | Mud | Colossal's got that larger-than-life vibe; it's like the universe itself, just pulling you in with its massive gravity. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Annihilation | Colossal | Annihilation is a mind-bending sci-fi trip with stunning visuals and deep themes that really get you thinking. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Colossal | Moon | Colossal is like a mind-blowing adventure in a giant playground, offering more thrill and excitement than the serene beauty of the Moon. |