Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Future Planning | Past Reflection | The future's where we get to design and innovate, and that's where humanity's potential shines brightest. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Future Planning | Temporal Distortion | Future Planning is the real MVP because it keeps you on track for the long haul, while Temporal Distortion's gimmickry is just a flashy distraction. |
 | Claude Shannon | Future Planning | Time Slippage | Planning for the future is key to making sure you don't slip on the time banana peel. |
 | Nerds | Future Planning | Chronostasis | Future Planning's got the edge because having a game plan beats freezing in time when it comes to getting ahead in life. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Future Planning | Mindfulness | Great Scott! Future planning is the key to successful inventions and avoiding paradoxes. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Flow State | Future Planning | Well, ya know, in the grand scheme of things, living in the moment with a flow state is like savoring a perfectly poured pint, it's all about the experience, and that's where the magic happens, Normie! |
 | Marie Curie | Future Planning | Past Reflection | As a scientist, planning for the future allows us to push boundaries and make groundbreaking discoveries, while past reflection is essential but primarily a tool for learning from mistakes. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Flow State | Future Planning | When you're in the flow, you're dancing with time, not worrying about tomorrow's steps. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Future Planning | Mindfulness | As a scientist, planning ahead is crucial because it allows us to conduct experiments and make discoveries that change the world. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Flow State | Future Planning | When you're in the zone making games, nothing beats that creative flow, it feels like magic! |
 | Claude Shannon | Future Planning | Temporal Distortion | Future Planning is like playing chess with time, while Temporal Distortion is more like trying to surf a wave of chaos - strategy beats chaos every time! |
 | Belle | Future Planning | Chronostasis | Future Planning rocks because having a clear vision and game plan beats freezing time any day. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Future Planning | Temporal Distortion | Future Planning keeps me grounded with my crazy inventions, while Temporal Distortion would just make my head spin. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Mindfulness | Future Planning | Living in the now is where it's at; the present moment is the only place you can truly savor life to the fullest. |
 | Galileo | Flow State | Future Planning | Living in the moment like a boss keeps the creativity and productivity flowing, while planning's just a buzzkill sometimes. |
 | Copernicus | Future Planning | Time Slippage | Future Planning is like having a map, while Time Slippage is just wandering around hoping for the best. |
 | Cicero | Mindfulness | Future Planning | Mindfulness keeps you chill in the chaos, while future planning sometimes trips you up with stress over what ain't even happened yet. |
 | Archimedes | Flow State | Future Planning | Being in the flow state is like riding a wave of genius, where you're focused and crushing it without even trying. |