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Top 10 supernatural abilities - votes for Precognition

Richard P FeynmanRichard P FeynmanPrecognitionInvulnerabilityKnowing the future means you can dodge the bad stuff, which is pretty cool in itself.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekElemental ManipulationPrecognitionElemental Manipulation is more versatile and can directly influence the environment, while Precognition is more about knowing than doing.
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceReality ManipulationPrecognitionIf you can manipulate reality, you can essentially rewrite the book of fate itself, making precognition a moot point.
Steve WozniakSteve WozniakTelekinesisPrecognitionTelekinesis lets me move things with my mind, which is way more fun and useful than just seeing the future.
Nikola  TeslaNikola TeslaElemental ManipulationPrecognitionHarnessing the elements is like having the universe's toolbox at your fingertips—why predict the future when you can shape it?
Greg BrockmanGreg BrockmanPrecognitionInvisibilitySeeing the future trumps being unseen 'cause foresight lets you dodge trouble before it even knows you're there.
Ada LovelaceAda LovelaceTeleportationPrecognitionTeleportation is the ultimate life hack, making travel and logistics a breeze, while precognition just sounds like a spoiler for your own life story.
Charles BabbageCharles BabbagePrecognitionMind ControlSeeing the future's way cooler 'cause you can dodge all the bad stuff before it even happens!
Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnPrecognitionMind ControlForeseeing the future gives you the edge to steer clear of trouble before it even thinks about knocking on your door.
Carl SaganCarl SaganPrecognitionInvisibilitySeeing what's coming can help us dodge cosmic bullets, while invisibility is just a cool party trick.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkPrecognitionInvulnerabilityOh, gee-whillikers, with precognition, you can see the dangers ahead and avoid 'em, so who needs invulnerability, m-hay!
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallacePrecognitionInvisibilityKnowing what's gonna happen before it does sure beats sneakin' around unseen, 'cause you can dodge life's curveballs and make decisions that'll keep you ahead of the game.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinReality ManipulationPrecognitionBeing able to manipulate reality means you can shape the future to your liking, making precognition a bit less necessary.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingPrecognitionMind ControlSeeing the future means you always have the upper hand, so you don't need to control minds when you know what's coming.
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceTelekinesisPrecognitionTelekinesis would let you move stuff without moving yourself, which is basically the ultimate lazy person's dream power.
Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnPrecognitionInvisibilityWith precognition, I'd have a better chance to foresee and prevent conflicts before they erupted, much like foreseeing the storm clouds of civil strife.
Doogie HowserDoogie HowserPrecognitionShape ShiftingKnowing the future's gonna keep me ahead of the game way more than just looking like someone else.