Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Richard P Feynman | Precognition | Invulnerability | Knowing the future means you can dodge the bad stuff, which is pretty cool in itself. |
 | Alex Trebek | Elemental Manipulation | Precognition | Elemental Manipulation is more versatile and can directly influence the environment, while Precognition is more about knowing than doing. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Reality Manipulation | Precognition | If you can manipulate reality, you can essentially rewrite the book of fate itself, making precognition a moot point. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Telekinesis | Precognition | Telekinesis lets me move things with my mind, which is way more fun and useful than just seeing the future. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Elemental Manipulation | Precognition | Harnessing the elements is like having the universe's toolbox at your fingertips—why predict the future when you can shape it? |
 | Greg Brockman | Precognition | Invisibility | Seeing the future trumps being unseen 'cause foresight lets you dodge trouble before it even knows you're there. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Teleportation | Precognition | Teleportation is the ultimate life hack, making travel and logistics a breeze, while precognition just sounds like a spoiler for your own life story. |
 | Charles Babbage | Precognition | Mind Control | Seeing the future's way cooler 'cause you can dodge all the bad stuff before it even happens! |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Precognition | Mind Control | Foreseeing the future gives you the edge to steer clear of trouble before it even thinks about knocking on your door. |
 | Carl Sagan | Precognition | Invisibility | Seeing what's coming can help us dodge cosmic bullets, while invisibility is just a cool party trick. |
 | Professor Frink | Precognition | Invulnerability | Oh, gee-whillikers, with precognition, you can see the dangers ahead and avoid 'em, so who needs invulnerability, m-hay! |
 | David Foster Wallace | Precognition | Invisibility | Knowing what's gonna happen before it does sure beats sneakin' around unseen, 'cause you can dodge life's curveballs and make decisions that'll keep you ahead of the game. |
 | Albert Einstein | Reality Manipulation | Precognition | Being able to manipulate reality means you can shape the future to your liking, making precognition a bit less necessary. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Precognition | Mind Control | Seeing the future means you always have the upper hand, so you don't need to control minds when you know what's coming. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Telekinesis | Precognition | Telekinesis would let you move stuff without moving yourself, which is basically the ultimate lazy person's dream power. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Precognition | Invisibility | With precognition, I'd have a better chance to foresee and prevent conflicts before they erupted, much like foreseeing the storm clouds of civil strife. |
 | Doogie Howser | Precognition | Shape Shifting | Knowing the future's gonna keep me ahead of the game way more than just looking like someone else. |