Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Archimedes | Invulnerability | Mind Control | Dude, being invulnerable means you never gotta worry about getting hurt, so you're basically unstoppable! |
 | Professor Frink | Teleportation | Invulnerability | Teleportation, because why worry about getting hurt when you can just zap over to safety, mmm-hai! |
 | Richard P Feynman | Precognition | Invulnerability | Knowing the future means you can dodge the bad stuff, which is pretty cool in itself. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Invulnerability | Mind Control | Invulnerability is where it’s at, 'cause if nothing can touch you, you’re as free as the airwaves I love so much! |
 | Nikola Tesla | Invulnerability | Invisibility | Invulnerability lets you experiment fearlessly; science waits for no ghost! |
 | Marie Curie | Elemental Manipulation | Invulnerability | As a scientist and chemist, I find elemental manipulation far more intriguing and useful for advancing human understanding of nature's fundamental forces. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Invulnerability | Mind Control | Good news, everyone! Invulnerability means you can survive any zany experiment gone haywire without turning into a mutant blob. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Telekinesis | Invulnerability | Telekinesis is like having the ultimate remote control for the universe, and that's way cooler than just being a human tank. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Reality Manipulation | Invulnerability | If you can bend reality to your will, you don't need invulnerability, because you can make anything happen, including being invulnerable. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Elemental Manipulation | Invulnerability | Elemental Manipulation lets you tweak the world around you like a gadget, and that's just too cool to pass up. |
 | Professor Frink | Precognition | Invulnerability | Oh, gee-whillikers, with precognition, you can see the dangers ahead and avoid 'em, so who needs invulnerability, m-hay! |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Teleportation | Invulnerability | Oh my, with teleportation, I can easily zip through time and space to deliver bad news personally! |
 | Albert Einstein | Telekinesis | Invulnerability | Telekinesis rocks because it lets you move stuff with your mind, which is kinda like having the universe as your playground. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Shape Shifting | Invulnerability | Shape Shifting is like the alchemy of powers—versatile and transforming, just like the elements I studied. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Invulnerability | Invisibility | Being invulnerable lets you stand strong and get things done, much like how I tried to hold the nation together. |