Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Professor Farnsworth | SAN Systems | SSD Drives | Good news, everyone! SAN Systems offer centralized storage with robust scalability and management for enterprise needs, unlike those lovely but limited SSD Drives. |
 | Nerds | SSD Drives | Optical Discs | SSD drives are way faster and more reliable for everyday use, so they're the obvious choice for anyone needing quick and efficient storage. |
 | George Orwell | SSD Drives | Hybrid Drives | SSD Drives are faster, more reliable, and don't have the moving parts of Hybrid Drives, so they're the solid choice for a tech-savvy individual who values performance and durability. |
 | Doc Brown | SAN Systems | SSD Drives | Great Scott! When it comes to handling massive, centralized data for enterprises, SAN systems are like the DeLorean on rails, built for speed and power. |
 | Pliny the Elder | SSD Drives | Cloud Storage | SSDs are wicked fast and don't rely on an internet connection, so they're perfect for speed demons who want direct and reliable access to their data. |
 | Claude Shannon | SSD Drives | Tape Backup | SSD drives are fast and reliable, making them perfect for everyday use and quick access to data. |
 | George Washington Carver | SSD Drives | External HDD | SSD Drives are faster than a jackrabbit on a hot day, making them top choice for speed and reliability. |
 | Andy Weir | SSD Drives | Optical Discs | SSDs are way faster and more reliable than optical discs, making them the nerd's go-to choice for storage. |
 | Doogie Howser | SSD Drives | Tape Backup | SSD Drives are lightning-fast and perfect for quick access and performance, making them the go-to choice for anyone who loves speed and efficiency. |
 | Steve Wozniak | SSD Drives | External HDD | SSD drives are way faster, more reliable, and have no moving parts, which makes them perfect for a tech enthusiast like me who values speed and efficiency. |
 | Greg Brockman | NAS Systems | SSD Drives | If you're all about that shared storage life for your home or office squad, NAS systems give you flexibility and scalability like a boss. |
 | Professor Frink | SSD Drives | RAID Arrays | Oh, SSD Drives, with their blazingly fast speeds and no moving parts, they're like the caffeinated microchips of storage, glavin! |
 | Doogie Howser | SSD Drives | Tape Backup | SSD Drives are way faster and more reliable for everyday use, they're like the sports cars of data storage compared to the horse-drawn carriage that is tape backup. |
 | Pliny the Elder | SSD Drives | External HDD | SSD Drives are way faster and more reliable, man, making them the clear choice for anyone who values speed and durability. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Cloud Storage | SSD Drives | Cloud storage rules because you can access your stuff from anywhere, anytime, without lugging around hardware. |
 | George Orwell | SSD Drives | Tape Backup | In this age of speed and efficiency, SSDs are the go-to choice because they serve up data faster than a hurried bureaucrat. |
 | Copernicus | SSD Drives | Optical Discs | SSD drives are wicked fast, durable, and can store an insane amount of data compared to those old-school optical discs. |
 | Nerds | SSD Drives | Cloud Storage | SSD Drives are just faster and give you that instant access without worrying about internet speed or outages, perfect for the impatient nerd in all of us. |