Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Belle | RAID Arrays | Hybrid Drives | RAID Arrays offer better performance and redundancy options, making them a solid choice for power users and enterprises needing speed and data protection. |
 | Jensen Huang | RAID Arrays | External HDD | RAID Arrays are like having a pit crew for your data, offering speed and redundancy that external HDDs just can't match. |
 | George Washington Carver | RAID Arrays | External HDD | RAID Arrays are like a garden of data redundancy and performance, offering more protection and speed than a lone External HDD could ever muster. |
 | Charles Darwin | RAID Arrays | Optical Discs | RAID Arrays are like the Galapagos finches of storage, adapting to data needs with resilience and speed, while Optical Discs are slowly evolving relics of the past. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | RAID Arrays | USB Flash | RAID arrays, man, they're like the fortified castles of data storage - way more reliable and expandable than a little USB stick. |
 | Pliny the Elder | RAID Arrays | Tape Backup | RAID Arrays are just faster and more reliable for everyday data access, while tapes are better for deep storage grandma-style. |
 | Carl Sagan | SAN Systems | RAID Arrays | In the cosmic dance of data storage, SAN Systems are like a sophisticated interstellar highway, offering greater scalability and flexibility compared to RAID Arrays. |
 | Professor Frink | SSD Drives | RAID Arrays | Oh, SSD Drives, with their blazingly fast speeds and no moving parts, they're like the caffeinated microchips of storage, glavin! |
 | Greg Brockman | SAN Systems | RAID Arrays | SAN Systems are like the cool kids in storage tech, they're super scalable and perfect for enterprise-level needs, while RAID Arrays are more like the trusty sidekick for smaller setups. |
 | David Foster Wallace | NAS Systems | RAID Arrays | NAS Systems are like the Swiss Army Knife of storage, bro—versatile, network-friendly, and ready to rock your data world like a boss. |
 | Guido van Rossum | RAID Arrays | Tape Backup | RAID Arrays offer faster access and redundancy, which is crucial for quick recoveries and real-time operations, unlike the slower, sequential nature of tape backups. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | RAID Arrays | Tape Backup | RAID Arrays give you speed and redundancy, making them wicked fast for data access and recovery. |
 | Doc Brown | Cloud Storage | RAID Arrays | Cloud Storage is rad 'cause it keeps your data safe and accessible from anywhere, without all the hardware hassle. |
 | Andy Weir | SAN Systems | RAID Arrays | SAN systems are like the supercharged version of storage solutions, offering scalability and flexibility that RAID arrays just can't compete with in larger enterprise environments. |
 | Klaus Teuber | RAID Arrays | Tape Backup | RAID Arrays are way quicker for accessing data and give you that sweet redundancy, making them better for everyday use. |