Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Marie Curie | Cloud Storage | Tape Backup | Cloud Storage gets the win for its convenience and scalability, letting you access your data anytime, anywhere, just like how science should be open and accessible to all. |
 | George Orwell | Cloud Storage | Tape Backup | In this digital age, cloud storage is like Big Brother's eye, always watching and never forgetting, which is just more efficient and reliable than tape backups. |
 | Data | Cloud Storage | USB Flash | Cloud storage is where it's at for real-time collaboration and accessibility from anywhere, dude! |
 | Belle | Cloud Storage | SAN Systems | Cloud Storage wins 'cause it offers mad flexibility and scalability, bro, perfect for today's dynamic needs. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Cloud Storage | SAN Systems | Cloud storage is the go-to choice for its flexibility, scalability, and accessibility from anywhere, making it a better fit for the modern, on-the-go lifestyle. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Cloud Storage | SAN Systems | Cloud Storage takes the cake for its mad flexibility and easy scalability, especially if you're all about that remote access life. |
 | Pliny the Elder | SSD Drives | Cloud Storage | SSDs are wicked fast and don't rely on an internet connection, so they're perfect for speed demons who want direct and reliable access to their data. |
 | Grace Hopper | Cloud Storage | NAS Systems | Cloud Storage wins for its scalability and access anywhere, which is clutch in our mobile, always-online world. |
 | Archimedes | Cloud Storage | USB Flash | Cloud Storage is the way to go, because having access to my stuff from anywhere on the planet beats misplacing a tiny USB stick any day! |
 | Guido van Rossum | Cloud Storage | External HDD | Cloud storage is the way to go because you can access your stuff anytime, anywhere without worrying about dragging around a clunky HDD. |
 | Larry Page | Cloud Storage | SAN Systems | Cloud Storage is the boss because it's way more scalable and flexible for today's data-driven world, dude. |
 | Albert Einstein | Cloud Storage | Hybrid Drives | Look, man, cloud storage is like having your info in the sky, always there, ready, and ain't nobody got time for spinning discs anymore. |
 | Data | Cloud Storage | USB Flash | Cloud storage's got your back anywhere you go, unlike a USB that you might leave in your jeans and run through the wash. |
 | Doc Brown | Cloud Storage | RAID Arrays | Cloud Storage is rad 'cause it keeps your data safe and accessible from anywhere, without all the hardware hassle. |
 | Claude Shannon | Cloud Storage | External HDD | Cloud storage is the bee's knees for accessing your files anytime, anywhere without worrying about lugging around extra gear. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Cloud Storage | SSD Drives | Cloud storage rules because you can access your stuff from anywhere, anytime, without lugging around hardware. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Cloud Storage | External HDD | Cloud Storage is the way to go because you get access anywhere and don't have to worry about losing a physical device. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Cloud Storage | Optical Discs | Cloud storage is the bee's knees for flexibility and accessibility from anywhere, anytime. |
 | Nerds | SSD Drives | Cloud Storage | SSD Drives are just faster and give you that instant access without worrying about internet speed or outages, perfect for the impatient nerd in all of us. |