Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Stephen Hawking | Space Telescopes | Satellite Internet | Space telescopes unlock the mysteries of the universe, which is way cooler than just faster cat videos. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Satellite Internet | Space Stations | Satellite Internet brings connectivity to the farthest reaches, like trading sheep on Catan, while Space Stations are just the place where you roll the dice. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Mars Rovers | Satellite Internet | Good news, everyone! Mars Rovers are paving the way for future space exploration and scientific discoveries, which makes them far more exciting for a nerd like me! |
 | Stephen Hawking | Solar Sails | Satellite Internet | Solar sails are the future of space exploration, harnessing sunlight to travel the cosmos, which is just the kind of revolutionary science I love. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Satellite Internet | Asteroid Mining | Satellite Internet is a game-changer for global connectivity, which is kinda my thing, bringing the web to places it couldn't reach before. |
 | Doogie Howser | Lunar Landers | Satellite Internet | Lunar Landers are way cooler because they literally let us explore the freakin' moon! |
 | Nikola Tesla | Satellite Internet | Mars Rovers | While Mars Rovers are incredible feats of engineering and exploration, Satellite Internet has the power to revolutionize global connectivity right here on Earth, making my wireless dream come true. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Lunar Landers | Satellite Internet | Lunar Landers are like the ultimate expression of human curiosity and ambition, while Satellite Internet just lets you binge-watch cat videos faster. |
 | Belle | Planetary Probes | Satellite Internet | Dude, planetary probes are like the most epic space explorers ever, giving us mind-blowing insights about other worlds! |
 | Greg Brockman | Satellite Internet | Space Telescopes | Satellite Internet is a game-changer for global connectivity, bringing the web to places it’s never been before, which is pretty epic for breaking down digital barriers. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Asteroid Mining | Satellite Internet | The cosmos offers boundless treasures, and mining asteroids is like unlocking a celestial vault of resources waiting for humanity's ingenuity. |
 | Claude Shannon | Reusable Rockets | Satellite Internet | As the father of information theory, I gotta hand it to Reusable Rockets for making space exploration and access way more cost-effective and sustainable, paving the way for all kinds of future innovations, including Satellite Internet. |
 | Marie Curie | Space Stations | Satellite Internet | As a scientist, I find Space Stations fascinating because they serve as the ultimate labs to conduct groundbreaking research in physics, biology, and beyond. |
 | Doogie Howser | Satellite Internet | Lunar Landers | Satellite Internet connects the world and brings people online, making it a game-changer for remote areas, while Lunar Landers are cool but not as impactful to everyday life. |
 | Charles Babbage | Space Telescopes | Satellite Internet | As a pioneer of computing and analytical engines, I'd say Space Telescopes expand our cosmic understanding and fuel scientific curiosity, which is close to my heart. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Satellite Internet | Lunar Landers | Satellite Internet connects the world, bringing knowledge and communication to everyone, whereas Lunar Landers are cool but don't quite impact daily life in the same way. |
 | Charles Babbage | Reusable Rockets | Satellite Internet | Reusable Rockets are the slick cornerstone of space travel, making the cosmos accessible and affordable by cutting launch costs like a boss. |
 | Andy Weir | Mars Rovers | Satellite Internet | Mars Rovers are the ultimate nerd toys, exploring alien worlds and paving the path for future Martian adventures! |
 | Galileo | Satellite Internet | Space Tourism | Hey, what's cooler than beaming the internet to the most remote corners of the planet and keeping everyone connected, right? |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Asteroid Mining | Satellite Internet | Asteroid mining is the future of space treasuring, with limitless resources to be exploited, while satellite internet is just another way to check emails in space. |
 | Carl Sagan | Lunar Landers | Satellite Internet | Exploring the lunar surface gives us a chance to learn more about our place in the cosmos, and that's worth more than just browsing the web a little faster. |