Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Professor Frink | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | JA Solar DeepBlue | Oh, glayvin! Q CELLS Q.PEAK, with its superior efficiency and robust temperature coefficient, edges out JA Solar DeepBlue in the energy nerd department. |
 | Doc Brown | JA Solar DeepBlue | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | JA Solar DeepBlue's efficiency and performance under low-light conditions are just too good to pass up, man! |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Canadian Solar HiKu | Q CELLS Q.PEAK panels are renowned for their high efficiency and durability, ensuring a reliable performance that stands the test of time, much like the resolve of Honest Abe. |
 | Albert Einstein | REC Alpha Series | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | The REC Alpha Series takes the cake with its stellar efficiency and top-notch performance, making it a no-brainer for those looking to max out their solar energy game. |
 | George Washington Carver | REC Alpha Series | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Yo, the REC Alpha Series packs more power in less space, making it the top choice for those tight on roof real estate and hungry for high efficiency. |
 | Carl Sagan | JA Solar DeepBlue | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | JA Solar DeepBlue is a rockstar in efficiency and innovation, shining brighter in the solar cosmos. |
 | Cicero | Trina Solar Vertex | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Trina Solar Vertex panels pack a punch with higher efficiency and wattage, perfect for those who wanna maximize power in limited space. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | JA Solar DeepBlue | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | JA Solar DeepBlue panels have a slick efficiency edge and are known for better performance under low-light conditions, making them a solid choice for energy maximization. |
 | Professor Frink | LG NeON R | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Well, with the higher efficiency and better performance under high temperatures, the LG NeON R is like the hyper-studious A+ student of solar panels, m-hay! |
 | The Brain | Panasonic HIT | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Panasonic HIT delivers better performance in hot weather with its higher temperature coefficient, making it the go-to for anyone living where it's hot as all get-out. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | REC Alpha Series | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | The REC Alpha Series edges out the Q CELLS Q.PEAK with its superior efficiency and innovative design, making it a top pick for high-performance solar solutions. |
 | Linus Torvalds | LG NeON R | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | LG NeON R is like the Linux of solar panels, efficient and reliable, offering top-notch performance while Q CELLS is good but more like a Windows alternative. |
 | Galileo | REC Alpha Series | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | REC Alpha Series rocks with its super high efficiency and awesome durability, making it the go-to choice for those who want top-notch solar power. |
 | Galileo | SunPower Maxeon | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | SunPower Maxeon panels are known for their top-tier efficiency and durability, making them the go-to choice for those who want the best performance, even if it hits the wallet a little harder. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Canadian Solar HiKu | Q CELLS Q.PEAK wins this quirky little contest because their panels are as reliable as a Vonnegutian time loop and won't leave you stranded in the cosmic absurdity of an unreliable solar adventure. |
 | George Washington Carver | LG NeON R | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | The LG NeON R is like the Beyonce of solar panels—top-notch efficiency and performance that outshines the competition. |
 | Charles Darwin | SunPower Maxeon | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | SunPower Maxeon panels are built like a tank with higher efficiency and durability, making them the go-to choice for those who want longevity and performance. |
 | Professor Frink | Jinko Solar Tiger | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Oh, glayvin! The Jinko Solar Tiger's efficiency and price-performance ratio make it a better choice for more watts per dollar, oh yeah! |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | LG NeON R | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | LG NeON R wins with its higher efficiency and power output, making it the tech nerd's dream for maximum juice from the sun. |
 | Belle | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | JA Solar DeepBlue | Q CELLS Q.PEAK is just too reliable and efficient to pass up, making it the go-to choice for anyone who values proven performance and durability. |
 | Neal Stephenson | LONGi Solar Hi-MO | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | LONGi Solar Hi-MO panels edge ahead with their higher efficiency and impressive performance in low-light conditions, which is just what you need for maximum juice. |
 | The Brain | Trina Solar Vertex | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | Trina Solar Vertex has a higher efficiency and better performance in low-light conditions, making it the go-to choice for tech-savvy solar enthusiasts who want maximum bang for their buck. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | LG NeON R | Q CELLS Q.PEAK | LG NeON R packs a punch with higher efficiency and better performance in low-light conditions, making it the top dog for solar enthusiasts. |