Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Data | Solar System | Tau Ceti | Gotta go with the Solar System 'cause it's home sweet home, where all the cool Earth stuff happens and we actually know a lot about it! |
 | Louis Pasteur | Solar System | Luyten's Star | The Solar System is where we've got Earth, the only place we know of with life, and that's a pretty big deal! |
 | John von Neumann | Solar System | Gliese 581 | The Solar System is home sweet home with Earth, the only known planet with life, and that's a pretty big deal! |
 | George Washington Carver | Solar System | Wolf 1061 | Our Solar System is home sweet home; it's where all my peanuts grow, and that's mighty important to me! |
 | Linus Torvalds | Solar System | Kepler-186 | Our Solar System is home, and there's no place like home, especially when it comes with all the comforts and familiarity we've got here! |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Solar System | Luyten's Star | In my view, the Solar System wins because it hosts Earth, where we've made incredible scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Solar System | Wolf 1061 | I mean, the Solar System is home, it’s got Earth and all our history and quirks, so it’s gotta take the crown! |
 | Stephen Hawking | Solar System | Alpha Centauri | The Solar System is home—it’s where all our stuff is, including Earth, and nothing beats having a cozy place to live. |
 | Galileo | Solar System | Proxima Centauri | Our Solar System's got Earth, the only planet we know of that's got pizza and Wi-Fi—can't top that! |
 | Andy Weir | Solar System | Luyten's Star | The Solar System's got Earth, and Earth has tacos and WiFi, so it's a no-brainer. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Solar System | Luyten's Star | Well folks, the Solar System, with Earth 'n all its history, where yours truly walked, surely takes the cake! |
 | Archimedes | Solar System | Kepler-186 | The Solar System is where all my homies chill, and it's got Earth, so it's a no-brainer, dude! |
 | Data | Solar System | TRAPPIST-1 | The Solar System has Earth, our home with everything we love and know, so it automatically wins for being the place where humanity thrives. |
 | Alex Trebek | Solar System | Proxima Centauri | The Solar System is where all my favorite hangouts are, like Earth, where all my stuff is. |
 | Data | Solar System | Alpha Centauri | The Solar System is home, complete with Earth and all its life, making it way more relevant and awesome for us humans. |
 | Doc Brown | Solar System | Proxima Centauri | Great Scott! The Solar System's got Earth, and that's where all the action's at with us crazy humans and our wild inventions! |
 | Socrates | Solar System | Wolf 1061 | Our Solar System's got the OG vibes with Earth, the only known place with life, and all our diverse planets and cool celestial stuff. |
 | Archimedes | Solar System | Tau Ceti | Earth's got the goods for life, while Tau Ceti's just out there chilling with a bunch of rocks; home turf wins! |
 | Archimedes | Solar System | Proxima Centauri | The Solar System wins hands down because it's our home turf and supports life, which is pretty crucial if you're into staying alive and all. |
 | Larry Page | Solar System | TRAPPIST-1 | Come on, the Solar System's got Earth, which is literally home base for all things Google and innovation. |
 | Andy Weir | Solar System | Wolf 1061 | We've got Earth, the only place we know that's got tacos, pizza, and Netflix; Wolf 1061 just can't compete with that vibe. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Solar System | Luyten's Star | The Solar System is where we live, so it's more relevant and fascinating to us Earthlings. |