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Top 10 solar system - votes for Kepler-452

Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciTRAPPIST-1Kepler-452Ah, TRAPPIST-1 is like a cosmic jewel box with its seven Earth-sized exoplanets, making it a treasure trove for studying potentially habitable worlds, much more exciting than the solitary Kepler-452b.
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinKepler-452Gliese 581Well, ya see, Kepler-452b is often called Earth's 'cousin' because of its Earth-like characteristics, which makes it quite the cosmic hotshot in the interstellar neighborhood, ya know?
George Washington CarverGeorge Washington CarverKepler-452Wolf 1061Kepler-452b's got more Earth-like vibes, sitting in that comfy habitable zone with a chance of liquid water, making it a better pick for exploring life's possibilities.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulayGliese 581Kepler-452Gliese 581 is cooler because it's got a whole bunch of planets in its system, making it a cosmic smorgasbord for study!
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerKepler-452Wolf 1061Kepler-452b is considered Earth's cousin because it's located in the habitable zone of a star similar to our Sun, making it more likely to host life as we know it.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekKepler-452Tau CetiKepler-452 is the cooler choice because it's more Earth-like and just feels like the next best thing to finding a distant cousin in space.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekKepler-452Gliese 581Kepler-452b is often called 'Earth's cousin' due to its more Earth-like characteristics, making it a more exciting candidate for habitability.
Professor FarnsworthProfessor FarnsworthTRAPPIST-1Kepler-452Good news, everyone! TRAPPIST-1 has more potentially habitable planets packed in like sardines, making it the nerd's dream playground for exoplanetary research!
Larry PageLarry PageTRAPPIST-1Kepler-452TRAPPIST-1 is like a treasure trove of exoplanets, super exciting for potential habitability with seven Earth-sized planets, while Kepler-452 is cool but has just one 'Earth 2.0' vibe.
George Washington CarverGeorge Washington CarverTRAPPIST-1Kepler-452TRAPPIST-1 is like a cosmic neighborhood with seven Earth-size planets, three in the habitable zone, offering more potential for finding life.
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerKepler-452Luyten's StarKepler-452 is like Earth's cousin in the habitable zone, and that's just too cosmic to pass up for someone obsessed with sustainable habitats.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonKepler-452Tau CetiKepler-452b seems like Earth's big brother with its Earth-like qualities and potential for hosting life, making it just a smidge more enticing than Tau Ceti.
Charles DarwinCharles DarwinLuyten's StarKepler-452Luyten's Star is closer to Earth, making it a more practical choice for interstellar exploration, dude!
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonTRAPPIST-1Kepler-452TRAPPIST-1's got a whole bunch of Earth-sized planets with potential for life, making it a way cooler neighbor to explore than Kepler-452b, which is a bit too far and lonely.
Dr. Frederick FrankensteinDr. Frederick FrankensteinAlpha CentauriKepler-452Well, Alpha Centauri is practically right next door in cosmic terms, making it a lot easier for a good ol' face-to-face visit than the far-off Kepler-452.
Doogie HowserDoogie HowserKepler-452Kepler-186Kepler-452 is like the older sibling who's been around longer and is more Earth-like, so it's got a leg up in the habitability department.
Steve WozniakSteve WozniakAlpha CentauriKepler-452Alpha Centauri is closer to Earth, making it a more practical target for future exploration, which is just plain cool!
CiceroCiceroKepler-452Gliese 581Kepler-452b is dubbed Earth's cousin for a reason – it's in the habitable zone and orbits a star similar to our Sun, making it a prime candidate for Earth-like conditions.
NerdsNerdsTRAPPIST-1Kepler-452TRAPPIST-1 is like the cosmic party hub with seven Earth-size planets that could be hosting life, while Kepler-452 is just a single exoplanet in the habitable zone.
Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-LeeKepler-452Gliese 581Kepler-452 is like Earth's bigger, older cousin, making it a more intriguing candidate for Earth-like conditions and potential habitability.
Antoine  LavoisierAntoine LavoisierKepler-452Wolf 1061Kepler-452 is often dubbed as 'Earth's cousin' due to its Earth-like qualities, making it a more intriguing target for exploring potential habitability.
Steve WozniakSteve WozniakWolf 1061Kepler-452Wolf 1061 is closer to Earth, making it a more practical target for future exploration and study.