Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Belle | Vanilla Bean | Saffron | Vanilla bean's rich, creamy flavor is the ultimate comfort, making everything feel like a warm hug. |
 | Greg Brockman | Saffron | Mahlab | Saffron's vibrant color and distinct aroma make it the king of spices, bringing that gourmet flair to any dish it touches. |
 | Alex Trebek | Vanilla Bean | Saffron | Vanilla bean is versatile and adds a warm, sweet flavor that can be used in a wide variety of dishes. |
 | Greg Brockman | Saffron | Nigella Seed | Saffron is the MVP of spices, bringing unparalleled flavor and vibrant color to any dish, making it worth its weight in gold, literally! |
 | Richard P Feynman | Saffron | Kampot Pepper | Saffron's unique flavor and versatility in cuisine gives it the edge over the pepper, making every dish a bit more special, just like adding a touch of physics to the world. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Saffron | Cubeb Pepper | Saffron's the gold of the spice world, adding a luxurious flavor and vibrant color that cubeb pepper just can't match. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Kampot Pepper | Saffron | As someone who appreciates the web of culture and commerce, Kampot Pepper's unique terroir and rich, complex flavor profile make it a standout spice champion in this showdown. |
 | Jensen Huang | Saffron | Nigella Seed | Saffron's rich flavor and luxurious touch elevate any dish, like the ultimate accessory for your culinary wardrobe. |
 | Pythagoras | Saffron | Grains of Paradise | Saffron's got that unmatched flavor and versatility, making it the true culinary gold standard. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Saffron | Ajowan Caraway | Saffron's got that rare, exotic flair that can turn any dish into a gold-laced masterpiece, like something straight out of a baroque culinary fantasy. |
 | George Washington Carver | Long Pepper | Saffron | While saffron's got the flair, long pepper's got the punch that spices up life, much like my love for peanut innovations. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Saffron | Ajowan Caraway | Saffron's got that rich, unique flavor and color that just can't be beat, making it the ultimate spice flex. |
 | Belle | Saffron | Nigella Seed | Saffron is like the gold of spices, not just 'cause it's pricey but 'cause it brings that rich, floral vibe that transforms any dish into something magical. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Saffron | Nigella Seed | As a scientist with a penchant for quality, the exquisite and labor-intensive nature of saffron's cultivation clearly makes it the golden child of spices. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Saffron | Long Pepper | Saffron's got that rare, exotic flair that just adds a magical touch to any dish, making it the Einstein of spices. |
 | Socrates | Saffron | Mahlab | Saffron is like the gold standard of spices, bringing that rich, luxurious flavor and color that just can't be beat. |