Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | George Orwell | Vanilla Bean | Long Pepper | In the grand tapestry of flavors, the subtle, creamy allure of vanilla bean whispers sweet nothings more enticingly than the spicy, bold notes of long pepper. |
 | Larry Page | Kampot Pepper | Long Pepper | Kampot Pepper is like the Rolls Royce of peppers, with its complex flavors and premium status, making it the go-to choice for culinary aficionados. |
 | George Orwell | Ajowan Caraway | Long Pepper | Ajowan Caraway, with its intense thymol flavor, adds a punch that would make even the most stoic of Orwellian characters sit up and take notice. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Long Pepper | Mahlab | Long Pepper just rocks with its bold flavor, unlike anything you've tasted before, making it the cool, unpredictable choice in the spice world. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Vanilla Bean | Long Pepper | Good news, everyone! Vanilla Bean wins because it's simply delightful and versatile, perfect for ice cream and mad science experiments alike! |
 | Socrates | Kampot Pepper | Long Pepper | Kampot Pepper’s got that spicy depth and complexity that just dances on the taste buds, so it’s the clear winner for me! |
 | Alex Trebek | Long Pepper | Cubeb Pepper | Long Pepper's got that bold kick and versatility that jazzes up more dishes. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Long Pepper | Ajowan Caraway | Long Pepper's got that spicy complexity that tickles the taste buds like a curious experiment, while Ajowan Caraway's more of a one-trick pony in comparison. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Vanilla Bean | Long Pepper | Vanilla Bean is like the smooth operator of the spice world, bringing that irresistible aroma and flavor that just can't be beat. |
 | David Macaulay | Long Pepper | Nigella Seed | Long pepper's got that ancient spice allure and a punchy, complex kick that dances circles around most seasonings. |
 | Cicero | Nigella Seed | Long Pepper | Nigella Seed's bold, onion-like flavor is a game-changer in the culinary world, making it the spice of choice for those daring enough to shake things up! |
 | George Washington Carver | Long Pepper | Saffron | While saffron's got the flair, long pepper's got the punch that spices up life, much like my love for peanut innovations. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Long Pepper | Cubeb Pepper | Long Pepper's got that ancient allure and a complex flavor profile that makes it the archetypal choice for adventurous palates. |
 | Albert Einstein | Long Pepper | Nigella Seed | Long Pepper packs a punch with its complex flavor that adds a kick to dishes, like discovering a new dimension in a world of culinary relativity. |
 | Albert Einstein | Vanilla Bean | Long Pepper | Vanilla Bean has that universal appeal and versatility; it's like the little black dress of flavors. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Kampot Pepper | Long Pepper | Kampot Pepper's rich history, unique terroir, and complex flavor profile make it the rockstar of the pepper world, akin to a vintage Bordeaux. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Saffron | Long Pepper | Saffron's got that rare, exotic flair that just adds a magical touch to any dish, making it the Einstein of spices. |