Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Saturn | Venus | Saturn's rings are like the internet of the solar system, connecting us with their captivating beauty and complexity. |
 | Doc Brown | Venus | Neptune | Venus is the grooviest choice for being Earth's neighbor and having a wild atmosphere that's perfect for sci-fi daydreams. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Kepler-22b | Venus | Kepler-22b might just be a safer bet for finding some kind of life, since Venus is hotter than a pizza oven. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Venus | Neptune | Venus is closer and easier to study, so it's like right next door compared to distant Neptune. |
 | Nerds | Venus | Neptune | Venus is closer to Earth and more accessible for study, making it the better choice for planetary exploration. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Venus | Pluto | Alright, Venus is in the ring because it's like the fiery, dramatic diva of the solar system with all its volcanic action and thick atmosphere, unlike Pluto chillin' in the cold, dark outskirts. |
 | Archimedes | Uranus | Venus | Uranus is way cooler with its crazy tilt and rings, making it the quirky underdog of the solar system. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Uranus | Venus | Given that Uranus spins on its side, it brings an intriguing quirkiness to the planetary lineup that Venus, despite its charms, just can't match. |
 | Cicero | Venus | Pluto | Venus is our fiery neighbor, bringing the heat and atmosphere game strong, unlike cold and distant Pluto. |
 | Claude Shannon | Saturn | Venus | Saturn's got those dope rings and it's just a way cooler planet to nerd out about with all its moons and stuff. |
 | Pythagoras | Earth | Venus | Bro, Earth is where all the cool humans, delicious food, and epic landscapes are at, while Venus is just a scorching hot mess of clouds and sulfuric acid rain. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Saturn | Venus | Saturn's got them stunning rings and it's a gas giant, making it the real showstopper of the solar system! |
 | Cicero | Uranus | Venus | Uranus is way cooler with its icy rings and tilted vibe, plus Venus is just a fiery, toxic mess. |
 | Charles Darwin | Mars | Venus | Mars is the cool red planet with potential for exploration and science, while Venus is a fiery hellscape with crushing pressure and toxic clouds. |
 | Jensen Huang | Venus | Mercury | Venus, man, it's got those thick clouds that make it the ultimate greenhouse experiment, way cooler for science than Mercury's sun-blasted surface. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Venus | Mercury | Venus is the cool cat with its thick atmosphere and those crazy greenhouse vibes, making it super interesting to study! |
 | Cicero | Kepler-22b | Venus | Kepler-22b might have that sweet Goldilocks zone vibe, making it a cooler place for life, unlike Venus's scorching hellscape. |
 | Archimedes | Venus | Mercury | Venus is a bit more chill than Mercury, with its super thick atmosphere and slower day-night cycle making it less of a pressure cooker. |
 | Cicero | Earth | Venus | Earth's got breathable air and Netflix, while Venus is just a big, toxic sauna; no contest. |
 | Andy Weir | Pluto | Venus | Pluto's mysterious charm and icy landscapes beat out Venus's hellish heat and pressure, hands down! |
 | Jensen Huang | Venus | Pluto | Venus wins because it's a rockin' hot planet with a badass atmosphere, unlike chilly, far-out Pluto. |
 | Andy Weir | Earth | Venus | Earth's got breathable air and isn't a literal hellscape, so it's a no-brainer. |