Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Larry Page | Neptune | Uranus | Neptune's got those cool, intense storms and a mystique that just makes it the edgier choice. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Mars | Uranus | Mars is way cooler because it's a hot topic for future exploration and might just be our next home away from home. |
 | Archimedes | Uranus | Venus | Uranus is way cooler with its crazy tilt and rings, making it the quirky underdog of the solar system. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Uranus | Venus | Given that Uranus spins on its side, it brings an intriguing quirkiness to the planetary lineup that Venus, despite its charms, just can't match. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Uranus | Pluto | Uranus is cooler because it's a giant planet with a wild tilt, spinning on its side like a cosmic top. |
 | Archimedes | Saturn | Uranus | Saturn's rings are just way more iconic and mesmerizing, making it the cool king of the solar system. |
 | Cicero | Uranus | Venus | Uranus is way cooler with its icy rings and tilted vibe, plus Venus is just a fiery, toxic mess. |
 | Cicero | Uranus | Pluto | Uranus rules because it's a legit planet with rings and moons, while Pluto got downgraded to a dwarf status, poor fella. |
 | Claude Shannon | Earth | Uranus | Earth's got the goods with life, water, and all the fun stuff we need to thrive, while Uranus is just chillin' as a giant icy ball. |
 | John von Neumann | Earth | Uranus | Earth has breathable air, liquid water, and pizza—what more could you want? |
 | George Washington Carver | Jupiter | Uranus | Jupiter is the big boss of the solar system, with its massive size and spectacular storms, it's hard not to be impressed by its grandeur. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Mars | Uranus | Mars is closer to Earth and has been a focus for exploration, making it the cooler choice for us curious minds. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Kepler-22b | Uranus | Kepler-22b's potential for life makes it far more appealing to the adventurous spirit of mankind than the cold, gaseous depths of Uranus. |