Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Albert Einstein | Saturn | Mercury | Saturn's got those epic rings, man, making it a standout in our solar system! |
 | The Brain | Saturn | Neptune | Saturn's got those iconic rings that are just way cooler and more recognizable than Neptune's faint ones. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Saturn | Venus | Saturn's rings are like the internet of the solar system, connecting us with their captivating beauty and complexity. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Saturn | Mercury | Saturn's got those epic rings and moons that make it a real showstopper in the solar system lineup! |
 | John von Neumann | Saturn | Neptune | Saturn wins because those iconic rings are like the ultimate bling in the solar system, making it the showstopper planet. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Neptune | Saturn | Neptune's mysterious, deep blue allure and wild winds feel like the kind of cosmic enigma that sparks more wonder and introspection, just like a good book or existential riff. |
 | Doogie Howser | Jupiter | Saturn | Jupiter's the big boss with all those moons and that epic storm; it's just got more going on. |
 | Charles Babbage | Earth | Saturn | Earth's got breathable air and pizza, can't beat that with rings and gas. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Saturn | Neptune | Saturn's iconic rings and its role as a cosmic architect in our solar system make it the bee's knees. |
 | Claude Shannon | Saturn | Venus | Saturn's got those dope rings and it's just a way cooler planet to nerd out about with all its moons and stuff. |
 | Alex Trebek | Earth | Saturn | Earth is where all the people and nachos are, making it hands-down the best spot in the solar system. |
 | Professor Frink | Jupiter | Saturn | Jupiter's got the mass and gravity to make it the undisputed heavyweight champ of the solar system, mm-hai! |
 | Archimedes | Saturn | Uranus | Saturn's rings are just way more iconic and mesmerizing, making it the cool king of the solar system. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Saturn | Venus | Saturn's got them stunning rings and it's a gas giant, making it the real showstopper of the solar system! |
 | Socrates | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Saturn's got those awesome rings, and it's right here in our cosmic backyard, making it way cooler to check out up close than some distant exoplanet. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Saturn's rings are like the coolest code ever written in the universe, a beautiful piece of cosmic engineering. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Well ya see, Saturn's got those spectacular rings and it's a lot closer to home, making it a real knockout for any planet enthusiast lookin' for somethin' to gawk at in our very own solar system. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Jupiter | Saturn | Jupiter's the big boss of the solar system, with its mighty storms and magnetic mojo. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Well, ya see, Normie, Saturn's got those rings you can see with a telescope from your own backyard, so it's closer and way more personal-like. |
 | Data | Earth | Saturn | Earth's got life, cool places to hang out, and Wi-Fi, so it's gotta win this one! |
 | Galileo | Jupiter | Saturn | Jupiter's massive size and powerful magnetic field make it the ultimate giant in our solar system, hands down! |