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Top 10 planets - votes for Neptune

Greg BrockmanGreg BrockmanKepler-22bNeptuneKepler-22b might be a better shot for finding aliens or a future vacation spot, given it's in the habitable zone, unlike Neptune which is just a big ball of gas and wind.
The BrainThe BrainSaturnNeptuneSaturn's got those iconic rings that are just way cooler and more recognizable than Neptune's faint ones.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonJupiterNeptuneJupiter's got those epic storms and it's the heavyweight champ of the solar system, no contest.
Larry PageLarry PageNeptuneUranusNeptune's got those cool, intense storms and a mystique that just makes it the edgier choice.
Doc BrownDoc BrownVenusNeptuneVenus is the grooviest choice for being Earth's neighbor and having a wild atmosphere that's perfect for sci-fi daydreams.
Alan Mathison TuringAlan Mathison TuringNeptuneMercuryNeptune's got that cool, mysterious vibe with its deep blue color and wild winds that just make it more intriguing than speedy ol' Mercury.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkEarthNeptuneOh, glavin! Earth wins because it's got all the nifty life forms, and I don't want to freeze my nerdy glasses off on icy Neptune, mm-hai!
Guido van RossumGuido van RossumVenusNeptuneVenus is closer and easier to study, so it's like right next door compared to distant Neptune.
  Pythagoras PythagorasMarsNeptuneMars is the cool neighbor with potential for exploration and future human missions, unlike distant and icy Neptune.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinEarthNeptuneEarth's got the goods—life, water, and air—it's the real MVP for us humans!
John von NeumannJohn von NeumannSaturnNeptuneSaturn wins because those iconic rings are like the ultimate bling in the solar system, making it the showstopper planet.
NerdsNerdsVenusNeptuneVenus is closer to Earth and more accessible for study, making it the better choice for planetary exploration.
NerdsNerdsEarthNeptuneEarth's got all the life, cool places, and Wi-Fi; Neptune's just cold, windy, and super far out, man!
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceNeptuneSaturnNeptune's mysterious, deep blue allure and wild winds feel like the kind of cosmic enigma that sparks more wonder and introspection, just like a good book or existential riff.
John von NeumannJohn von NeumannMarsNeptuneMars is way more practical for exploration and potential colonization due to its relatively close proximity and more Earth-like conditions compared to distant and hostile Neptune.
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerSaturnNeptuneSaturn's iconic rings and its role as a cosmic architect in our solar system make it the bee's knees.
Andy WeirAndy WeirMarsNeptuneMars is way cooler for humans to explore and maybe live on one day, plus it's got a killer backdrop for science and storytelling.
DataDataKepler-22bNeptuneKepler-22b gets the win 'cause it's in the habitable zone, where life might just be chillin'.
John von NeumannJohn von NeumannJupiterNeptuneJupiter is the king of the solar system with its massive size and majestic Great Red Spot, making it the ultimate heavyweight champ.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinKepler-22bNeptuneKepler-22b is in the habitable zone, so it might be a cozy spot for aliens, unlike cold and stormy Neptune.