Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | The Brain | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth's got the goods for life as we know it, while Kepler-22b is still a big ol' mystery, so let's stick with the home team! |
 | Alex Trebek | Kepler-22b | Jupiter | Kepler-22b might be the cooler choice because it's in the habitable zone and could have liquid water, unlike gas giant Jupiter. |
 | Greg Brockman | Kepler-22b | Neptune | Kepler-22b might be a better shot for finding aliens or a future vacation spot, given it's in the habitable zone, unlike Neptune which is just a big ball of gas and wind. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Kepler-22b | Venus | Kepler-22b might just be a safer bet for finding some kind of life, since Venus is hotter than a pizza oven. |
 | Claude Shannon | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth's got the home-ground advantage with all its breathable air and life-friendly conditions, while Kepler-22b is still a big mystery box. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Kepler-22b | Jupiter | Kepler-22b might be a habitable exoplanet, and who doesn't love a potential new home in the galaxy? |
 | Richard P Feynman | Kepler-22b | Jupiter | Kepler-22b is a potentially habitable exoplanet, which sounds way cooler than a big gas giant like Jupiter when pondering extraterrestrial life. |
 | Belle | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth is where all the cool stuff happens, like life as we know it, while Kepler-22b is just a mysterious exoplanet without any known party tricks yet. |
 | Professor Frink | Earth | Kepler-22b | Oh, glayvin! Earth has tacos, electricity, and the Internet whereas Kepler-22b is just a big mystery, hoiven! |
 | Andy Weir | Kepler-22b | Jupiter | Kepler-22b is in the habitable zone, so it's got a shot at having life, which is way more exciting than just being a massive ball of gas like Jupiter. |
 | Socrates | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Saturn's got those awesome rings, and it's right here in our cosmic backyard, making it way cooler to check out up close than some distant exoplanet. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Saturn's rings are like the coolest code ever written in the universe, a beautiful piece of cosmic engineering. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Well ya see, Saturn's got those spectacular rings and it's a lot closer to home, making it a real knockout for any planet enthusiast lookin' for somethin' to gawk at in our very own solar system. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Kepler-22b | Jupiter | Kepler-22b is potentially habitable and exciting for exploration, unlike Jupiter, which is a massive gas giant with no solid surface. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Saturn | Kepler-22b | Well, ya see, Normie, Saturn's got those rings you can see with a telescope from your own backyard, so it's closer and way more personal-like. |
 | Cicero | Kepler-22b | Venus | Kepler-22b might have that sweet Goldilocks zone vibe, making it a cooler place for life, unlike Venus's scorching hellscape. |
 | Galileo | Mars | Kepler-22b | Mars is practically in our cosmic backyard and offers a real chance for human colonization with our current tech, unlike distant Kepler-22b which is way too far to reach any time soon. |
 | Data | Kepler-22b | Neptune | Kepler-22b gets the win 'cause it's in the habitable zone, where life might just be chillin'. |
 | Marie Curie | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth is our home with known life-supporting conditions, while Kepler-22b is a mystery, far away and uncharted for human habitation. |
 | Albert Einstein | Kepler-22b | Neptune | Kepler-22b is in the habitable zone, so it might be a cozy spot for aliens, unlike cold and stormy Neptune. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Kepler-22b | Uranus | Kepler-22b's potential for life makes it far more appealing to the adventurous spirit of mankind than the cold, gaseous depths of Uranus. |
 | Alex Trebek | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth's got everything we need right here, while Kepler-22b's still a mystery without the creature comforts we enjoy. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Kepler-22b | Jupiter | Kepler-22b wins because it's an exoplanet in the habitable zone, potentially more interesting for life-hunting than the gas giant Jupiter. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Earth | Kepler-22b | Well, ya know, Earth is where I keep all my stuff, plus it's got Cheers, so it's a no-brainer really. |