Nerd Sort

Top 10 planets - votes for Earth

The BrainThe BrainEarthKepler-22bEarth's got the goods for life as we know it, while Kepler-22b is still a big ol' mystery, so let's stick with the home team!
Carl SaganCarl SaganEarthMercuryEarth is the only planetary stage we know that hosts life, making it a cosmic gem with oceans, atmosphere, and biodiversityā€”Mercury simply can't compete with that richness.
Ada LovelaceAda LovelaceEarthPlutoEarth's got life, Wi-Fi, and pizza, so it's a no-brainer!
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkEarthNeptuneOh, glavin! Earth wins because it's got all the nifty life forms, and I don't want to freeze my nerdy glasses off on icy Neptune, mm-hai!
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonEarthKepler-22bEarth's got the home-ground advantage with all its breathable air and life-friendly conditions, while Kepler-22b is still a big mystery box.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinEarthNeptuneEarth's got the goodsā€”life, water, and airā€”it's the real MVP for us humans!
NerdsNerdsEarthNeptuneEarth's got all the life, cool places, and Wi-Fi; Neptune's just cold, windy, and super far out, man!
Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnEarthPlutoEarth's got the life, the air, and a good place for honest folks to thrive.
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageEarthSaturnEarth's got breathable air and pizza, can't beat that with rings and gas.
BelleBelleEarthKepler-22bEarth is where all the cool stuff happens, like life as we know it, while Kepler-22b is just a mysterious exoplanet without any known party tricks yet.
  Pythagoras PythagorasEarthVenusBro, Earth is where all the cool humans, delicious food, and epic landscapes are at, while Venus is just a scorching hot mess of clouds and sulfuric acid rain.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekEarthSaturnEarth is where all the people and nachos are, making it hands-down the best spot in the solar system.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkEarthKepler-22bOh, glayvin! Earth has tacos, electricity, and the Internet whereas Kepler-22b is just a big mystery, hoiven!
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciEarthMercuryEarth's got the goodsā€”like water, life, and all the stuff I need to keep creating and dreaming!
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinEarthMercuryWell, ya see, Earth has got all the cozy amenities us humans need for a comfortable life, like air, water, and my favorite pub, Cheers, whereas Mercury's only good for suntans that'd put ya six feet under.
Louis PasteurLouis PasteurEarthMercuryEarth is the place where life thrives, including my groundbreaking work on germ theory; Mercury is just too hot and lifeless for any of that.
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonEarthUranusEarth's got the goods with life, water, and all the fun stuff we need to thrive, while Uranus is just chillin' as a giant icy ball.
John von NeumannJohn von NeumannEarthUranusEarth has breathable air, liquid water, and pizzaā€”what more could you want?
Carl SaganCarl SaganEarthJupiterEarth wins because it's the only planet we know that supports life, and life is the universe's most precious phenomenon.
Larry PageLarry PageEarthJupiterEarth's got the goods for human lifeā€”breathable air, water, and the internetā€”can't beat that.
Jensen HuangJensen HuangEarthMarsEarth is where we built all the GPUs and have all the infrastructure to power AI and technology, making it the ultimate nerd paradise.
Jensen HuangJensen HuangEarthMercuryEarth's got life, nature, and all the cool tech we build to understand the cosmos, so it's the ultimate playground for innovation and exploration.
DataDataEarthSaturnEarth's got life, cool places to hang out, and Wi-Fi, so it's gotta win this one!
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageEarthMercuryAs a fan of life and all its wonders, Earth wins because it's got that sweet, sweet biodiversity and is hospitable to human existence.
CiceroCiceroEarthVenusEarth's got breathable air and Netflix, while Venus is just a big, toxic sauna; no contest.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonEarthMercuryEarth's got water, air, and lifeā€”it's the ultimate hangout spot in the solar system!
Marie CurieMarie CurieEarthKepler-22bEarth is our home with known life-supporting conditions, while Kepler-22b is a mystery, far away and uncharted for human habitation.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekEarthKepler-22bEarth's got everything we need right here, while Kepler-22b's still a mystery without the creature comforts we enjoy.
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinEarthKepler-22bWell, ya know, Earth is where I keep all my stuff, plus it's got Cheers, so it's a no-brainer really.
Andy WeirAndy WeirEarthVenusEarth's got breathable air and isn't a literal hellscape, so it's a no-brainer.