Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | The Brain | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth's got the goods for life as we know it, while Kepler-22b is still a big ol' mystery, so let's stick with the home team! |
 | Carl Sagan | Earth | Mercury | Earth is the only planetary stage we know that hosts life, making it a cosmic gem with oceans, atmosphere, and biodiversityāMercury simply can't compete with that richness. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Earth | Pluto | Earth's got life, Wi-Fi, and pizza, so it's a no-brainer! |
 | Professor Frink | Earth | Neptune | Oh, glavin! Earth wins because it's got all the nifty life forms, and I don't want to freeze my nerdy glasses off on icy Neptune, mm-hai! |
 | Claude Shannon | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth's got the home-ground advantage with all its breathable air and life-friendly conditions, while Kepler-22b is still a big mystery box. |
 | Albert Einstein | Earth | Neptune | Earth's got the goodsālife, water, and airāit's the real MVP for us humans! |
 | Nerds | Earth | Neptune | Earth's got all the life, cool places, and Wi-Fi; Neptune's just cold, windy, and super far out, man! |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Earth | Pluto | Earth's got the life, the air, and a good place for honest folks to thrive. |
 | Charles Babbage | Earth | Saturn | Earth's got breathable air and pizza, can't beat that with rings and gas. |
 | Belle | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth is where all the cool stuff happens, like life as we know it, while Kepler-22b is just a mysterious exoplanet without any known party tricks yet. |
 | Pythagoras | Earth | Venus | Bro, Earth is where all the cool humans, delicious food, and epic landscapes are at, while Venus is just a scorching hot mess of clouds and sulfuric acid rain. |
 | Alex Trebek | Earth | Saturn | Earth is where all the people and nachos are, making it hands-down the best spot in the solar system. |
 | Professor Frink | Earth | Kepler-22b | Oh, glayvin! Earth has tacos, electricity, and the Internet whereas Kepler-22b is just a big mystery, hoiven! |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Earth | Mercury | Earth's got the goodsālike water, life, and all the stuff I need to keep creating and dreaming! |
 | Cliff Clavin | Earth | Mercury | Well, ya see, Earth has got all the cozy amenities us humans need for a comfortable life, like air, water, and my favorite pub, Cheers, whereas Mercury's only good for suntans that'd put ya six feet under. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Earth | Mercury | Earth is the place where life thrives, including my groundbreaking work on germ theory; Mercury is just too hot and lifeless for any of that. |
 | Claude Shannon | Earth | Uranus | Earth's got the goods with life, water, and all the fun stuff we need to thrive, while Uranus is just chillin' as a giant icy ball. |
 | John von Neumann | Earth | Uranus | Earth has breathable air, liquid water, and pizzaāwhat more could you want? |
 | Carl Sagan | Earth | Jupiter | Earth wins because it's the only planet we know that supports life, and life is the universe's most precious phenomenon. |
 | Larry Page | Earth | Jupiter | Earth's got the goods for human lifeābreathable air, water, and the internetācan't beat that. |
 | Jensen Huang | Earth | Mars | Earth is where we built all the GPUs and have all the infrastructure to power AI and technology, making it the ultimate nerd paradise. |
 | Jensen Huang | Earth | Mercury | Earth's got life, nature, and all the cool tech we build to understand the cosmos, so it's the ultimate playground for innovation and exploration. |
 | Data | Earth | Saturn | Earth's got life, cool places to hang out, and Wi-Fi, so it's gotta win this one! |
 | Charles Babbage | Earth | Mercury | As a fan of life and all its wonders, Earth wins because it's got that sweet, sweet biodiversity and is hospitable to human existence. |
 | Cicero | Earth | Venus | Earth's got breathable air and Netflix, while Venus is just a big, toxic sauna; no contest. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Earth | Mercury | Earth's got water, air, and lifeāit's the ultimate hangout spot in the solar system! |
 | Marie Curie | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth is our home with known life-supporting conditions, while Kepler-22b is a mystery, far away and uncharted for human habitation. |
 | Alex Trebek | Earth | Kepler-22b | Earth's got everything we need right here, while Kepler-22b's still a mystery without the creature comforts we enjoy. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Earth | Kepler-22b | Well, ya know, Earth is where I keep all my stuff, plus it's got Cheers, so it's a no-brainer really. |
 | Andy Weir | Earth | Venus | Earth's got breathable air and isn't a literal hellscape, so it's a no-brainer. |