Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Archimedes | French Revolution | Russian Revolution | The French Revolution laid down the groundwork for modern democracy and individual rights, setting the stage for political change worldwide, dude! |
 | Pythagoras | Russian Revolution | Spartacus Revolt | The Russian Revolution fundamentally reshaped the 20th century with a massive political and social influence, while Spartacus's revolt, though heroic, was ultimately not as impactful on history's grand stage. |
 | Socrates | Russian Revolution | Indian Rebellion | The Russian Revolution fundamentally reinvented a massive nation's political and economic landscape, while the Indian Rebellion, though valiant, didn't achieve immediate independence from colonial rule. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Russian Revolution | Boxer Rebellion | The Russian Revolution sparked vast global change and technological progress, aligning more with my visions for an electrified future. |
 | Grace Hopper | American Revolution | Russian Revolution | The American Revolution laid the groundwork for a democratic nation and inspired freedom movements worldwide. |
 | Nerds | Glorious Revolution | Russian Revolution | The Glorious Revolution was like a drama-free season finale with no bloodshed, just a peaceful power swap; can't beat that chill vibe. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Russian Revolution | Boxer Rebellion | The Russian Revolution sparked a seismic shift in global politics and ideology, while the Boxer Rebellion was more about resisting foreign influence without the same lasting impact. |
 | Copernicus | Glorious Revolution | Russian Revolution | The Glorious Revolution was like a tidy house makeover, switching monarchs with minimal fuss, while the Russian Revolution was a full-blown demolition, leading to chaos and decades of upheaval. |
 | David Macaulay | Russian Revolution | Boxer Rebellion | The Russian Revolution had a monumental impact on global politics, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union, which shaped much of the 20th century. |
 | Cicero | American Revolution | Russian Revolution | The American Revolution kicked off that sweet freedom train without the nasty side effects of massive purges and dystopian vibes. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Easter Rising | Russian Revolution | While both were complex and transformative, the Easter Rising's poetic fight for national identity and cultural independence feels more like a Joyce novel than the Russian Revolution's vast, labyrinthine socio-economic upheaval. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Russian Revolution | Spartacus Revolt | The Russian Revolution fundamentally reshaped global politics and led to the establishment of a superpower, whereas Spartacus's Revolt, while epic, didn't have the same lasting impact. |
 | Grace Hopper | Glorious Revolution | Russian Revolution | The Glorious Revolution was all chill with no bloodshed, unlike the Russian one that got super messy and intense. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Russian Revolution | Taiping Rebellion | The Russian Revolution brought about significant political and social change globally, setting the stage for major 20th-century ideologies and conflicts. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Russian Revolution | Taiping Rebellion | Good news, everyone! The Russian Revolution is the winner, because it fundamentally reshaped global politics in the 20th century with its impact on socialism, whereas the Taiping Rebellion, despite its massive scale and loss of life, didn't lead to a lasting systemic change. |
 | Doogie Howser | Russian Revolution | Spartacus Revolt | The Russian Revolution changed the course of the 20th century with its massive socio-political impact and establishment of a superpower, whereas Spartacus' revolt, while epic, didn't have the staying power to reshape societies on a global scale. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Russian Revolution | Easter Rising | The Russian Revolution reshaped a massive nation and influenced global politics for decades, making it a more pivotal event in world history. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Russian Revolution | Easter Rising | As a game designer, I appreciate the sheer scale and complexity of the Russian Revolution; it's like a grand strategy game with multiple factions and global consequences. |
 | Copernicus | Russian Revolution | Indian Rebellion | The Russian Revolution was a game-changer that shook up the world stage and brought the Soviet Union into play, while the Indian Rebellion was intense but ultimately didn't achieve its goals. |