Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Immune System Support | Microbial Diversity | An immune system that's got your back keeps you standing strong, while those microbes need a well-tuned symphony conductor to be truly harmonious. |
 | Galileo | Immune System Support | Microbial Diversity | Immune System Support is like your body's personal bouncer, keeping the bad guys out, which is seriously crucial for staying healthy. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Mental Health Link | Microbial Diversity | Mental Health Link takes the cake 'cause knowing how our mind ticks is crucial for keeping our sanity in check! |
 | Nerds | Microbial Diversity | Antibiotic Resistance Risk | Microbial diversity rocks because it keeps ecosystems thriving and helps control pests naturally, whereas antibiotic resistance is a total drag on public health. |
 | Archimedes | Microbial Diversity | Probiotic Benefits | Microbial diversity is like having a whole squad of beneficial bacteria, making your gut more resilient and adaptable than just focusing on probiotics alone. |
 | Andy Weir | Microbial Diversity | Dietary Impact | Microbial Diversity is like the Swiss Army knife of health, offering resilience and adaptability to your gut ecosystem. |
 | John von Neumann | Microbial Diversity | Probiotic Benefits | Microbial diversity is like a party with a mix of guests bringing different vibes, making the ecosystem resilient and adaptable. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Gut-Brain Connection | Microbial Diversity | The Gut-Brain Connection is mind-blowing because it shows how our thoughts and emotions can be influenced by our gut, making it a game-changer in understanding both mental and physical health. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Gut-Brain Connection | Microbial Diversity | As the Great Emancipator, I'm a firm believer that a healthy conversation between the gut and the mind can emancipate one's well-being more effectively than a multitude of microbial opinions. |
 | Claude Shannon | Microbial Diversity | Anti-Inflammatory Potential | Microbial diversity is like having a bustling metropolis of tiny helpers in your gut, keeping everything balanced and running smoothly. |
 | Belle | Immune System Support | Microbial Diversity | Boosting that immune system is like giving your body's defense team superpowers, making it crucial for overall health. |
 | Professor Frink | Microbial Diversity | Immune System Support | Well, ya know, like, microbial diversity keeps the whole ecosystem in balance, ensuring resilience and adaptability, glavin! |
 | Greg Brockman | Microbial Diversity | Dietary Impact | Microbial Diversity is the real MVP because a diverse gut microbiome is like having a rockstar lineup for your health. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Mental Health Link | Microbial Diversity | Understanding the link between mental health and microbes opens up new avenues for improving well-being and quality of life. |
 | David Macaulay | Microbial Diversity | Probiotic Benefits | Microbial diversity is like the Swiss Army knife of gut health, offering resilience and adaptability that a single probiotic strain just can't match. |
 | Larry Page | Microbial Diversity | Metabolic Rate Influence | Microbial Diversity keeps our bodies and ecosystems running like a well-oiled machine, and that's pretty cool if you ask me. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Microbial Diversity | Metabolic Rate Influence | Microbial diversity is the essential building block of a regenerative ecosystem, promoting resilience and adaptability in life's grand design. |
 | Pythagoras | Microbial Diversity | Antibiotic Resistance Risk | Microbial diversity is crucial for a healthy ecosystem and human health, whereas antibiotic resistance risk is a byproduct of overusing antibiotics, so keeping that microbial variety is way more beneficial in the long run. |
 | The Brain | Immune System Support | Microbial Diversity | You gotta back up the body's defense squad, 'cause a strong immune system is your ultimate guardian from those pesky invaders. |
 | The Brain | Microbial Diversity | Skin Health Correlation | Microbial diversity is like the spice of life for ecosystems; it's a foundational element that benefits everything from soil to skin, giving it the edge in importance. |