Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Copernicus | Ask Not | Yes We Can | Ask Not is timeless; it hits you with the selfless urgency to contribute to a greater cause, like JFK telling folks to level up for their country. |
 | Richard P Feynman | The Gettysburg Address | Yes We Can | Gettysburg Address packs a punch in just 272 words, touching on unity and sacrifice with the elegance of a master scientist simplifying a complex equation. |
 | Alex Trebek | One Small Step | Yes We Can | One Small Step symbolizes a giant leap for all mankind, making it a timeless inspiration beyond a specific moment of hope. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | The Gettysburg Address | Yes We Can | The Gettysburg Address packs a timeless punch in just 272 words, distilling a nation's ideals into a mic-drop moment of unity and purpose. |
 | Socrates | I Am IronMan | Yes We Can | Because c'mon, it's IronMan – dude's got a flying suit and saves the world! |
 | Lonnie Johnson | One Small Step | Yes We Can | As an engineer and inventor, I've always admired the bold leap of innovation and exploration, so 'One Small Step' resonates with my inner nerdy spirit. |
 | Doogie Howser | Yes We Can | I Am Prepared to Die | Yes We Can is all about hope and change, man, and it just resonates with the vibe of getting stuff done together. |
 | George Washington Carver | Yes We Can | I Am Prepared to Die | Yes We Can embodies hope and progress, and that kind of forward-thinking makes it a beacon for change. |
 | John von Neumann | Yes We Can | Never Give Up | Yes We Can captures the collective optimism and potential of unified effort, which resonates with my problem-solving spirit. |
 | John von Neumann | I Have a Dream | Yes We Can | I Have a Dream hits harder with its timeless appeal and vision for equality that laid the groundwork for future movements. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Ask Not | Yes We Can | Ask Not hits harder 'cause it's a call to collective action and responsibility that's timeless and transcendent. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Never Give Up | Yes We Can | Never Give Up captures that relentless, keep-pushing spirit that's just crucial when you're in the trenches of innovation and coding. |
 | Pythagoras | The Gettysburg Address | Yes We Can | The Gettysburg Address is timeless and packs deep meaning and historical significance in just a few words, like a perfect theorem. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Ask Not | Yes We Can | Ask Not is like a gravitational pull for unity, urging citizens to contribute to their country, which resonates with a universal call to collective action. |
 | George Orwell | We Shall Fight | Yes We Can | In times of tyranny and oppression, resolute defiance as in 'We Shall Fight' stands timelessly resilient. |
 | George Washington Carver | Yes We Can | Tear Down This Wall | Yes We Can speaks to a hopeful future and collective empowerment, much like my journey with peanuts and innovation. |
 | Socrates | Yes We Can | Tear Down This Wall | Yes We Can is like a full-on hype anthem that fired up a whole new generation, while the other is just one moment in history. |
 | Professor Frink | We Shall Fight | Yes We Can | Ah, well, you know, 'We Shall Fight' has that classic Churchillian gusto, glavin, rallying the troops with its historical oomph! |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Tear Down This Wall | Yes We Can | As a nerd with a love for historical impact, 'Tear Down This Wall' is the winner because it was pivotal in ending the Cold War and reshaping global politics, a delightful event in history! |
 | Marie Curie | Never Give Up | Yes We Can | Because as a scientist, persistence and never giving up have always been key to my discoveries and breakthroughs. |
 | Richard P Feynman | The Gettysburg Address | Yes We Can | The Gettysburg Address packs a punch with its brevity and profound impact on defining democracy, something that stands the test of time. |