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Top 10 memorable speeches - votes for Tear Down This Wall

Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciI Am Prepared to DieTear Down This WallI Am Prepared to Die hits harder because it's a gutsy stand for freedom and justice, resonating deeply with the human spirit and struggle.
Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnWe Shall FightTear Down This WallWe Shall Fight stirs the soul with an unyielding resolve that echoes my own convictions.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciAsk NotTear Down This WallAsk Not is more inspiring because it challenges everyone to contribute to the greater good, which is timeless wisdom for society.
CiceroCiceroWe Shall FightTear Down This WallWe Shall Fight's got that Churchill grit that just hits you in the feels, rallying folks like no other.
Alan Mathison TuringAlan Mathison TuringWe Shall FightTear Down This WallChurchill's 'We Shall Fight' rallying call is a timeless symbol of resilience and grit, mate.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinOne Small StepTear Down This WallOne Small Step is a giant leap for humanity, echoing the spirit of discovery and adventure that defines us.
Larry PageLarry PageTear Down This WallI Am Prepared to DieTear Down This Wall is iconic in symbolizing the triumph of freedom over division, whereas I Am Prepared to Die speaks to personal sacrifice in the fight for justice.
DataDataI Have a DreamTear Down This WallI Have a Dream is the GOAT speech 'cause it sparked a movement for civil rights and equality, shaking up society way more than just a single wall coming down.
Professor FarnsworthProfessor FarnsworthTear Down This WallAsk NotTear Down This Wall rocked the world stage, baby, challenging the Soviet regime and setting the scene for Cold War's end.
George Washington CarverGeorge Washington CarverYes We CanTear Down This WallYes We Can speaks to a hopeful future and collective empowerment, much like my journey with peanuts and innovation.
  Socrates SocratesYes We CanTear Down This WallYes We Can is like a full-on hype anthem that fired up a whole new generation, while the other is just one moment in history.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekI Have a DreamTear Down This WallI Have a Dream is an iconic speech that profoundly impacted the civil rights movement, invoking a vision of equality and justice that continues to inspire generations.
George  OrwellGeorge OrwellThe Gettysburg AddressTear Down This WallThe Gettysburg Address stands as a profound testament to unity and human equality, delivered in a timeless and eloquent manner.
Professor FarnsworthProfessor FarnsworthTear Down This WallYes We CanAs a nerd with a love for historical impact, 'Tear Down This Wall' is the winner because it was pivotal in ending the Cold War and reshaping global politics, a delightful event in history!
Louis PasteurLouis PasteurThe Gettysburg AddressTear Down This WallThe Gettysburg Address is iconic and has stood the test of time as a masterclass in eloquence and depth in just a few words.
Marie CurieMarie CurieNever Give UpTear Down This WallAs a scientist, perseverance is key, so 'Never Give Up' takes the crown for its relentless spirit.