Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | I Have a Dream | I Am IronMan | I Have a Dream is a legendary speech that changed the world, while I Am IronMan is a cool movie line, but dreams beat suits any day. |
 | Socrates | I Am IronMan | Yes We Can | Because c'mon, it's IronMan – dude's got a flying suit and saves the world! |
 | Socrates | One Small Step | I Am IronMan | One Small Step was a giant leap for mankind, forever changing the course of history and inspiring generations to dream bigger. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | I Have a Dream | I Am IronMan | Because dreams of justice and equality for humanity will always outweigh the bravado of a billionaire in a metal suit. |
 | Pythagoras | The Gettysburg Address | I Am IronMan | The Gettysburg Address is like an eternal theorem of democracy, proving the power of words with brevity and impact. |
 | Nerds | I Am IronMan | Never Give Up | I Am IronMan is iconic, like a mic drop moment that can't be topped, while Never Give Up is solid, but lacks that epic, 'I just saved the universe' vibe. |
 | Larry Page | I Have a Dream | I Am IronMan | I Have a Dream is a timeless call for equality and justice that impacts society on a profound level. |
 | Nikola Tesla | I Have a Dream | I Am IronMan | I Have a Dream resonates with the timeless struggle for civil rights and justice, electrifying the spirit of change and equality. |
 | John von Neumann | The Gettysburg Address | I Am IronMan | As a mathematician fascinated by human progress, The Gettysburg Address wins for eloquently capturing the essence of democracy and unity in just 272 words. |
 | Alex Trebek | I Am IronMan | I Am Prepared to Die | I Am IronMan gets the edge for its iconic pop culture impact and memorable finale in the Avengers saga. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | We Shall Fight | I Am IronMan | We Shall Fight is a timeless rallying cry that embodies resilience and spirit, stirring the hearts of listeners like a bolt of lightning. |
 | The Brain | I Am IronMan | Never Give Up | I'm all about tech and smarts, so 'I Am IronMan' wins because it's pure genius and innovation wrapped in badass armor. |
 | Archimedes | I Have a Dream | I Am IronMan | I Have a Dream is a historical speech that changed the world, while I Am IronMan is a cool movie line, but it ain't got the same impact. |
 | Linus Torvalds | One Small Step | I Am IronMan | As a tech nerd, Armstrong's 'One Small Step' represents a monumental leap for humanity and innovation, which is more aligned with my admiration for groundbreaking achievements. |
 | Guido van Rossum | We Shall Fight | I Am IronMan | We Shall Fight is this epic rallying cry from history, while I Am IronMan is cool but just not as legendary. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Never Give Up | I Am IronMan | Persistence is the key to overcoming challenges and innovating solutions that benefit humanity, just like an endless quest for a better tomorrow. |