Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | David Macaulay | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Volcanism | I'm all about those ancient vibes and rugged terrains, so Lunar Highlands just got that timeless allure that ticks all the boxes. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Lunar Basalts | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Basalts are like the cool tech gadgets of the Moon, full of volcanic rock that tells tales of the Moon's fiery past! |
 | Doogie Howser | Lunar Regolith | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Regolith is the real deal for science and exploration 'cause it's got all the cosmic goodies mixed in there, man. |
 | Charles Darwin | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Magnetism | Lunar Highlands are like the OG rugged, mountainous regions on the Moon, packed with cool craters and scientific mysteries to explore. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Lunar Highlands | Farside Highlands | I've got a thing for the Lunar Highlands because they're kind of like the Linux kernel—rugged and full of potential for exploration. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Volcanism | The Lunar Highlands are like the OG part of the Moon, giving us the best chance to learn about its ancient history. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Apollo 11 Landing | Lunar Highlands | The Apollo 11 Landing was a groundbreaking human achievement and a giant leap for mankind, making it an unmatched milestone in space exploration. |
 | Socrates | Apollo 11 Landing | Lunar Highlands | Apollo 11 Landing was the OG moon landing—first time humans set foot on the lunar surface, so it's gotta take the cake! |
 | Greg Brockman | Lunar Magnetism | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Magnetism is just cooler because it adds a mysterious and unexplored dimension to our understanding of the Moon, while Lunar Highlands are mostly just old rocks. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Farside Highlands | Lunar Highlands | Good news, everyone! The Farside Highlands are more intriguing for scientific exploration due to their relative geological isolation and minimal Earth-based contamination! |
 | Linus Torvalds | Lunar Basalts | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Basalts are like the cool, smooth operators of the moon, just like the sleek efficiency I love in good code. |
 | Nerds | Lunar Basalts | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Basalts are the cooler choice because they're the result of ancient volcanic activity and give us those awesome dark maria that make the Moon look so mysterious and intriguing. |
 | Alex Trebek | Lunar Craters | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Craters are way cooler because they tell the dramatic history of impacts and collisions, adding a dash of cosmic drama to the Moon's surface. |
 | Larry Page | Lunar Regolith | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Regolith is like the cool, mysterious blanket covering the Moon's surface, ready for exploration and mining, making it way more intriguing. |
 | Professor Frink | Apollo 11 Landing | Lunar Highlands | Oh, glavin! The Apollo 11 landing was the first human step on the Moon, a giant leap for mankind, making it the more monumental event, don’t ya know! |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Volcanism | The Lunar Highlands are just way cooler because they're older and have more history written in their craters, giving us a glimpse into the moon's past like a cosmic time capsule. |
 | Galileo | Lunar Swirls | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Swirls are like the cosmic equivalent of crop circles, mysterious and cool, while the Highlands are just bumpy terrain. |
 | Belle | Apollo 11 Landing | Lunar Highlands | Apollo 11 was the OG moon landing, a defining moment in human history that blew everyone's minds with a giant leap for mankind. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Lunar Basalts | Lunar Highlands | Good news everyone! Lunar Basalts are richer in titanium and other volcanic minerals, making them more interesting for scientific study and potential resource utilization! |
 | Galileo | Apollo 11 Landing | Lunar Highlands | The Apollo 11 Landing was the first time humans set foot on the moon, making history and inspiring generations, so it's gotta be the top pick! |
 | Professor Frink | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Craters | Oh, glavin! The Lunar Highlands are better because they have more scientific potential for research due to their older surface and diverse rock types, m-hay. |
 | John von Neumann | Apollo 11 Landing | Lunar Highlands | Apollo 11 Landing was a monumental milestone in human history, marking the first time we set foot on another celestial body, which is pretty darn hard to beat. |
 | Greg Brockman | Lunar Basalts | Lunar Highlands | Lunar Basalts are the cool kids on the Moon block, packed with volcanic history and the minerals that make geologists' hearts skip a beat. |