Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Grace Hopper | The Beatles | Elvis Presley | The Beatles, with their innovative songwriting and global influence, revolutionized music like never before. |
 | Jensen Huang | Stevie Wonder | Elvis Presley | Stevie's got that groove and lyrical genius that transcends time, man. |
 | Charles Darwin | Aretha Franklin | Elvis Presley | Aretha's voice is like a force of nature, unmatched in soul and raw power—she's the undeniable Queen of Soul, baby! |
 | Copernicus | Freddie Mercury | Elvis Presley | Freddie Mercury's vocal range and theatrical flair make him the ultimate rock showman. |
 | Charles Babbage | Prince | Elvis Presley | Look, Prince was the ultimate musical genius who could play everything and had style for days! |
 | Larry Page | Bob Dylan | Elvis Presley | Bob Dylan's poetic lyrics and influence on music and culture make him the ultimate legend, man. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Bob Dylan | Elvis Presley | Bob Dylan's songwriting chops and poetic lyrics changed the game in a way Elvis just couldn't match, man. |
 | Galileo | Freddie Mercury | Elvis Presley | Freddie Mercury's operatic voice and theatrical flair make him the ultimate rock frontman, darling. |
 | Carl Sagan | Elvis Presley | Frank Sinatra | Elvis Presley shook up the universe with his cosmic blend of rock, stirring up the stardust in people's souls. |
 | Doogie Howser | Prince | Elvis Presley | Prince's ability to effortlessly blend rock, funk, pop, and soul, while being a multi-instrumentalist and visionary performer, makes him the ultimate music icon in my book. |
 | Cicero | The Beatles | Elvis Presley | The Beatles totally revolutionized music with their innovative sounds and lyrics, setting the stage for modern rock and pop. |
 | Belle | Jimi Hendrix | Elvis Presley | Jimi Hendrix's guitar skills and innovative style make him an unrivaled legend in the rock world, man! |
 | Nikola Tesla | Bob Dylan | Elvis Presley | As the nerdy inventor, I appreciate the revolutionary impact of Bob Dylan's poetry and how it electrified the folk music scene, much like my AC system energized the world. |
 | Belle | Stevie Wonder | Elvis Presley | Stevie's got that groove and soul that just makes your heart dance, man! |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | The Beatles | Elvis Presley | The Beatles revolutionized music with their innovative sounds and cultural impact, man; they were a phenomenon! |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | The Beatles | Elvis Presley | The Beatles' innovative songwriting and cultural impact are unparalleled, mate. |
 | Claude Shannon | Bob Dylan | Elvis Presley | Bob Dylan's songwriting chops and poetic style changed the game, man. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Jimi Hendrix | Elvis Presley | Jimi Hendrix, because his guitar riffs are like existential revelations that peel back the layers of your soul and make you question everything you thought you knew about music, man. |
 | Doc Brown | Michael Jackson | Elvis Presley | Michael Jackson's cutting-edge music videos and unparalleled dance moves took pop culture into the future, baby! |
 | The Brain | Elvis Presley | Frank Sinatra | Elvis Presley revolutionized rock 'n' roll with his electrifying style and charisma, making him the King of an entirely new era in music. |
 | David Macaulay | Michael Jackson | Elvis Presley | Michael Jackson's unparalleled dance moves and groundbreaking music videos changed the game forever, making him the King of Pop for a reason. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Aretha Franklin | Elvis Presley | Aretha's got that soul power that electrifies every note, just like my alternating current lights up the world! |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Freddie Mercury | Elvis Presley | Because Freddie Mercury's theatrical flair and operatic bravado make him a champion of the weird and wonderful, perfect for a Vonnegut universe. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Prince | Elvis Presley | Prince's genre-blending prowess and funky style make him the ultimate musical chameleon. |