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Top 10 learning languages - votes for Swift

Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinC++SwiftC++ is a beast for performance and versatility, especially if you're working on complex systems like simulations or game engines.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkGoSwiftWell, glavin, Go's concurrency features and simplicity make it a solid choice for scalable back-end services, oh my!
NerdsNerdsGoSwiftGo is a beast for server-side simplicity and concurrency, making it perfect for backend tasks.
Ada LovelaceAda LovelaceSwiftJavaSwift is like the cool, modern kid on the block with its easy syntax and Apple ecosystem integration, totally ace for iOS app dev.
Carl SaganCarl SaganPythonSwiftAs someone who loves exploring the cosmos, Python's versatility and massive scientific library support make it the winning choice.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkJavaScriptSwiftOh, JavaScript is the duct tape of the internet, used everywhere, ya know, with the booms and the bams!
Richard P FeynmanRichard P FeynmanJavaScriptSwiftJavaScript is the go-to language for web development, so it's got the upper hand if you're looking to conquer the web.
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerJavaScriptSwiftJavaScript is the cosmic glue that holds the web together, making it indispensable for universal connectivity and adaptability.
Andy WeirAndy WeirTypeScriptSwiftTypeScript wins for me because it's like JavaScript but with superpowers, making web development way less error-prone.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinPythonSwiftPython is the language of choice for scientific computation, making it the Einstein of programming languages!
The BrainThe BrainSwiftC++Swift's got that modern vibe and is just easier for app development, especially on Apple platforms, so it's a smoother ride for most devs.
Albert EinsteinAlbert EinsteinJavaSwiftJava's been rocking the world of cross-platform and enterprise applications for ages, so it gets the nod for its versatility and widespread use.
Carl SaganCarl SaganTypeScriptSwiftTypeScript offers a versatile ecosystem and compatibility with JavaScript, providing a robust toolset for web development much like exploring the cosmos—full of potential and universality.
Louis PasteurLouis PasteurJavaScriptSwiftAs someone who revels in discovery and innovation, JavaScript offers unmatched versatility and a vast ecosystem, enabling boundless creativity in the digital realm.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonGoSwiftGo's simplicity and efficiency in handling concurrency make it a top choice for systems programming, and I'm all about that engineering efficiency.
BelleBelleSQLSwiftSQL is the boss for managing and querying databases, while Swift shines in the app development world, but I'll stick with SQL for its universal data crunching power.