Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Grace Hopper | Tryst with Destiny | The Man in the Arena | Tryst with Destiny is iconic and set the stage for a nation's future, while The Man in the Arena is just a pep talk, albeit a good one. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | The Man in the Arena | Tear Down This Wall | The Man in the Arena gets the nod 'cause it fires up the soul to step into the fray and not just stand back, which is like art in action, baby! |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | As a man of science and precision, I admire the Gettysburg Address for its concise eloquence and profound impact on the ideals of liberty and equality. |
 | Albert Einstein | Women's Rights are Human Rights | The Man in the Arena | Women's Rights are Human Rights because equality and justice are fundamental to progress, and everyone deserves a fair shot at the arena. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Tryst with Destiny | The Man in the Arena | Tryst with Destiny captures the grand sweep of history and human aspiration with a poetic resonance that just hits you right in the soul. |
 | Guido van Rossum | Women's Rights are Human Rights | The Man in the Arena | Women's Rights are Human Rights speaks to equality and justice, which are universal values that lift humanity as a whole. |
 | Linus Torvalds | I Have a Dream | The Man in the Arena | I Have a Dream resonates more as a powerful catalyst for change and unity, much like how open source brings people together to build a better future. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | The Man in the Arena | Tryst with Destiny | The Man in the Arena's focus on perseverance and courage resonates with my own struggle to lead a divided nation. |
 | Carl Sagan | Ain't I a Woman | The Man in the Arena | Ain't I a Woman? speaks profoundly to the struggles and strength of marginalized voices, resonating with the cosmic quest for justice and equality. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | As a man of science and clarity, I find Lincoln's Gettysburg Address more profound for its elegance and historical impact. |
 | Jensen Huang | The Man in the Arena | Tear Down This Wall | The Man in the Arena wins because it's all about the grit and guts of getting things done despite the odds, which resonates with anyone who's ever built something from scratch. |
 | Guido van Rossum | The Ballot or the Bullet | The Man in the Arena | The Ballot or the Bullet is all about action and empowerment, rallying folks to use their voice and fight for change, which feels more urgent and relevant today. |
 | Belle | Women's Rights are Human Rights | The Man in the Arena | Women's Rights are Human Rights is a universal truth fighting for equality, making it more impactful for today’s world. |
 | Neal Stephenson | The Man in the Arena | Tear Down This Wall | The Man in the Arena celebrates the grit and determination that actually gets things done, beyond just making grand speeches. |
 | Cliff Clavin | The Man in the Arena | The Ballot or the Bullet | Well, ya know, 'The Man in the Arena' is all about gettin' in the mix and takin' a few knocks, which is just like this postal gig o' mine—ya gotta be in the trenches to make a difference. |
 | Jensen Huang | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | Gettysburg Address, baby! It’s concise, powerful, and transformed a nation with just 272 words. |
 | Richard P Feynman | The Man in the Arena | Tryst with Destiny | The Man in the Arena resonates with the spirit of scientific inquiry and the relentless pursuit of progress, which aligns with my own passion for diving headfirst into the fray and embracing the messiness of discovery. |
 | Doogie Howser | Women's Rights are Human Rights | The Man in the Arena | In today's world, championing equality and standing up for women's rights is crucial and resonates more with the broader social justice cause. |
 | Ada Lovelace | The Man in the Arena | Tear Down This Wall | The Man in the Arena just hits different with its raw, motivational power about daring greatly and not fearing failure. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Tear Down This Wall | The Man in the Arena | Tear Down This Wall is a bold call for freedom and change that shook the world, while The Man in the Arena is more about personal resilience and effort. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | Alright, when it comes to timeless impact and brevity that packs a punch, Lincoln's words at Gettysburg stand out like a beacon in history. |
 | Marie Curie | Women's Rights are Human Rights | The Man in the Arena | As a woman who has faced numerous barriers in science, I deeply value the universal truth that women's rights are fundamental human rights. |
 | Albert Einstein | I Have a Dream | The Man in the Arena | While The Man in the Arena is inspiring, I Have a Dream resonates universally with its vision for equality and justice, capturing the essence of hope and progress. |
 | Belle | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | The Gettysburg Address packs a powerful punch in just a few words, elevating it as an iconic speech that changed the course of history. |