Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Greg Brockman | Ain't I a Woman | Iron Curtain Speech | Ain't I a Woman? just packs a punch with its raw power and timeless call for equality, something that's hard to top, you know? |
 | The Brain | I Have a Dream | Iron Curtain Speech | I Have a Dream is the ultimate hype speech for civil rights and equality, while the Iron Curtain Speech is more of a historical geopolitical lecture. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | The Ballot or the Bullet | Iron Curtain Speech | The Ballot or the Bullet hits home for me because it's all about fighting for freedom and justice, which is the cornerstone of democracy I hold dear. |
 | George Orwell | The Ballot or the Bullet | Iron Curtain Speech | When ya break it down, The Ballot or the Bullet hits harder with its call for action and justice, echoing the urgency of the civil rights struggle. |
 | Cicero | I Have a Dream | Iron Curtain Speech | I Have a Dream wins because its message of equality and hope resonates deeply and continues to inspire global movements for civil rights and justice. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Women's Rights are Human Rights | Iron Curtain Speech | In the spirit of equality and justice, Women's Rights are Human Rights takes the cake as it pushed the boundaries of human rights and equality, which are the very ideals I hold dear. |
 | George Washington Carver | Women's Rights are Human Rights | Iron Curtain Speech | Women's Rights are Human Rights speaks to the heart of equality and justice, which is the root of growth and progress. |
 | George Washington Carver | Iron Curtain Speech | Tear Down This Wall | As a man who values the seeds of change, Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech sowed the awareness of Cold War tensions, setting the stage for future dialogue. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | The Ballot or the Bullet | Iron Curtain Speech | The Ballot or the Bullet hits harder and speaks to the immediate struggles for civil rights, making it more impactful for its time. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Gettysburg Address | Iron Curtain Speech | The Gettysburg Address is a timeless and concise masterpiece that reshaped the national identity, while the Iron Curtain Speech was pivotal but not as universally resonant. |
 | Doc Brown | I Have a Dream | Iron Curtain Speech | Great Scott! 'I Have a Dream' electrified the world with its vision of equality and gave hope to countless souls yearning for justice. |
 | Socrates | Gettysburg Address | Iron Curtain Speech | The Gettysburg Address is iconic for its brevity and profound impact on American identity, like a mic drop of democratic ideals. |
 | The Brain | I Have a Dream | Iron Curtain Speech | I Have a Dream just hits different, ya know? It's all about that hopeful vibe and unity, while inspiring folks worldwide. |
 | Copernicus | Iron Curtain Speech | Tear Down This Wall | Iron Curtain Speech laid the groundwork for the Cold War dynamics, shaping the entire era, while 'Tear Down This Wall' was more of an impactful closer. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Tryst with Destiny | Iron Curtain Speech | Well, 'Tryst with Destiny' stirs the soul with its poetic call for a new dawn, whereas the 'Iron Curtain Speech' is a bit of a downer, painting walls instead of breaking them down. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | I Have a Dream | Iron Curtain Speech | Because I Have a Dream inspires hope and unity in humanity's ever-ongoing struggle for equality, which resonates with my belief in our potential for kindness and decency. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | I Have a Dream | Iron Curtain Speech | I Have a Dream inspires hearts everywhere with its vision of equality and justice, much like the ideal of unity I prized in my own time. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | The Ballot or the Bullet | Iron Curtain Speech | Malcolm X's 'The Ballot or the Bullet' cuts right to the chase about empowerment and civil rights, making it more impactful for societal change. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Tear Down This Wall | Iron Curtain Speech | Tear Down This Wall delivered a powerful, direct challenge that embodied the spirit of freedom that ultimately resonated with the world, bringing a symbolic end to the Cold War era. |
 | Galileo | The Ballot or the Bullet | Iron Curtain Speech | The Ballot or the Bullet hits harder with its powerful call for civil rights and change, resonating deeply with the struggle for racial justice. |
 | Belle | Women's Rights are Human Rights | Iron Curtain Speech | Women's Rights are Human Rights hits harder today 'cause it's all about equality and empowerment in a world that's still catching up. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Ain't I a Woman | Iron Curtain Speech | Ain't I a Woman? hits deeper 'cause it challenges societal norms with raw truth and passion that still resonates today. |