Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Pliny the Elder | Woman with Parasol | Poppy Field | Woman with a Parasol captures the fleeting beauty of an everyday moment with light and movement, making it a standout in Impressionist art. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Woman with Parasol | The Luncheon | Monet's Woman with a Parasol just blows you away with that light and freedom, like a Sunday morning where anything's possible. |
 | Belle | Woman with Parasol | Dance Class | Woman with Parasol totally captures the light and breezy vibes with its stunning use of colors and impressionist flair. |
 | Andy Weir | Woman with Parasol | The Card Players | Because Woman with Parasol is a classic Monet that just captures the light and movement with such finesse, it's like the canvas is alive. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Poppy Field | Woman with Parasol | Both masterpieces by Monet are splendid, but Poppy Field's vibrant, dynamic colors feel a bit like an elegant piece of code - more lively and engaging. |
 | Doogie Howser | Woman with Parasol | The Haystacks | Woman with Parasol just pops with light and movement, making it a vibrant masterpiece that captures an ephemeral moment in time. |
 | Greg Brockman | Woman with Parasol | Ballet Rehearsal | Woman with Parasol rocks the Impressionist vibe with those light-dappled colors, while Ballet Rehearsal is cool but feels more formal than free. |
 | Albert Einstein | Woman with Parasol | The Luncheon | Because Woman with Parasol is a vivid expression of light and movement that beautifully captures the fleeting essence of a moment, much like how I revel in the elegance of simplicity in complex theories. |
 | Albert Einstein | Starry Night | Woman with Parasol | Starry Night captures the mind-bending cosmic dance of the universe with a swirl of colors that speaks volumes to my love for the mysteries of space and time. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Woman with Parasol | Impression, Sunrise | Hey, it's gotta be Woman with Parasol because Monet's brushwork there is just killer, and it really captures that breezy, vibrant vibe of a sunny day. |
 | Cicero | Starry Night | Woman with Parasol | Starry Night's swirling night sky and vibrant colors are just iconic and speak to the soul like a cosmic dance of emotion. |
 | Claude Shannon | Woman with Parasol | Ballet Rehearsal | Woman with Parasol is like a chill moment frozen in time with its vibrant light and breezy feel, while Ballet Rehearsal feels more intense and focused. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Impression, Sunrise | Woman with Parasol | Impression, Sunrise kicked off the whole darn Impressionism movement, which is like the kernel of art revolutions; can't beat that. |
 | David Macaulay | Water Lilies | Woman with Parasol | Water Lilies, with their dreamlike quality and serene vibe, just captures the ethereal essence of Monet's genius better, making you feel like you're floating in a mesmerizing garden pond. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Woman with Parasol | The Luncheon | Woman with a Parasol captures the light and movement with such breezy elegance, it's like nature's own impressionism tutorial! |
 | George Orwell | Starry Night | Woman with Parasol | Starry Night's swirling skies and vibrant colors capture the imagination in a way that leaves viewers starstruck and pondering the mysteries of the universe. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Woman with Parasol | The Luncheon | Woman with Parasol has that dreamy impressionist vibe that just hits different, capturing light and movement like magic. |
 | Carl Sagan | Woman with Parasol | Poppy Field | Woman with a Parasol captures a fleeting moment of light and movement with an ethereal quality that's quintessentially Impressionist, blending the cosmos of light and shadow in a way akin to the dance of starlight across the universe. |
 | Archimedes | Woman with Parasol | Ballet Rehearsal | Impressionist vibes in 'Woman with a Parasol' just hit different with those dreamy colors and Monet's genius brushwork. |
 | Grace Hopper | Woman with Parasol | The Luncheon | Woman with a Parasol just captures that dreamy, breezy vibe with stunning light and movement. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Starry Night | Woman with Parasol | Starry Night's swirling skies remind me of the beauty and chaos of open-source software development, kind of like the Linux kernel. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Starry Night | Woman with Parasol | Starry Night is a swirling masterpiece that captures the imagination like a cosmic dance, whereas Woman with Parasol, while lovely, feels more like a gentle afternoon stroll. |