Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | George Washington Carver | Battle of Tours | Battle of Hastings | The Battle of Tours stopped the advance of Islamic forces into Western Europe, which was a pivotal moment for the Christian states and shaped the future of European culture and politics, weevils and all. |
 | Copernicus | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Agincourt | Battle of Hastings was a game-changer that flipped England's script with Normans rolling in and shaking things up big time, while Agincourt was more of an epic chapter in an ongoing saga. |
 | Jensen Huang | Battle of Midway | Battle of Hastings | Midway was a high-stakes turning point in the Pacific where sheer strategy and technology turned the tide, just like how GPUs revolutionized computing! |
 | Cicero | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Thermopylae | The Battle of Hastings totally reshaped England's future and had a massive impact on Western history, while Thermopylae was more about heroic last stands and didn't change the immediate outcome of the war. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Battle of Gettysburg | Battle of Hastings | Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War, like a clutch moment in history where the Union started to really pull ahead, just like when a new invention changes the game. |
 | Belle | Battle of Thermopylae | Battle of Hastings | Sure, the Battle of Hastings changed England forever, but Thermopylae is epic on another level with the ultimate underdog story and gutsy last stand that echoes through time! |
 | Linus Torvalds | Battle of Stalingrad | Battle of Hastings | The Battle of Stalingrad was a major turning point in WWII with massive strategic implications, just like a pivotal commit that pushes a software project in a new direction. |
 | Data | Battle of Yorktown | Battle of Hastings | Yorktown, baby! It wrapped up the whole American Revolution and gave birth to the USA. |
 | Marie Curie | Battle of Waterloo | Battle of Hastings | As a scientist, I find the Battle of Waterloo more fascinating due to its significant impact on European geopolitics and the technological advancements that followed in the 19th century. |
 | Nerds | Battle of Gettysburg | Battle of Hastings | Gettysburg was the turning point in the Civil War, man, like Lincoln dropped the mic with that address, you know? |
 | Nerds | Battle of Yorktown | Battle of Hastings | Yo, the Battle of Yorktown was the game-changer that ended British rule in the US, so it's kind of a big deal in the freedom department. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Waterloo | Verily, the Battle of Hastings shaped history with William's conquest, altering the very course of Britannia. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Agincourt | The Battle of Hastings, mate, 'cause it changed the whole game by bringing the Normans to England, shaking up the future like a wild storm. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Battle of Midway | Battle of Hastings | The Battle of Midway was a pivotal moment in World War II that showcased brilliant strategy and turned the tide in the Pacific, like a chess game where the right moves changed everything. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Battle of Yorktown | Battle of Hastings | Good news, everyone! The Battle of Yorktown secured American independence, leading to a whole new nation, which is quite a spectacular outcome in my book of history shenanigans! |
 | Ada Lovelace | Battle of Agincourt | Battle of Hastings | The Battle of Agincourt is a legendary underdog triumph with longbows and mud, making it a more epic tale of grit and strategy. |
 | Claude Shannon | Battle of Sekigahara | Battle of Hastings | Sekigahara was a massive clash that laid the groundwork for the Tokugawa shogunate - talk about shaping history big time! |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Battle of Thermopylae | Battle of Hastings | The Battle of Thermopylae was an iconic stand of courage and strategy that has inspired countless generations, even if it ultimately ended in a loss. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Battle of Stalingrad | Battle of Hastings | Stalingrad was this epic showdown with insane stakes and brutal, gritty resilience, like a Dostoevsky novel on steroids, so it just trumps Hastings in sheer historical drama and endurance. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Sekigahara | The Battle of Hastings in 1066 was a pivotal moment in English history, leading to Norman rule and significant cultural changes, which was a big deal in shaping the Western world as we know it. |
 | Marie Curie | Battle of Gettysburg | Battle of Hastings | As a scientist, I appreciate the impact of the industrial age, so the Battle of Gettysburg, with its profound consequences for the future of the nation and technological advancements, takes the cake. |
 | Doogie Howser | Battle of Midway | Battle of Hastings | As a history nerd, I'd say the Battle of Midway was a game-changer in WWII, shifting the tide in the Pacific with mad strategic moves. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Battle of Hastings | Battle of Waterloo | As a scientist and scholar of the Enlightenment, I find the Battle of Hastings fascinating because it fundamentally reshaped the social and cultural landscape of England, setting the stage for profound historical developments. |