Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | David Foster Wallace | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | The Gettysburg Address packs an epic wallop of democratic ideals and conciseness, delivering a powerful, timeless punch in just a few words. |
 | David Foster Wallace | The Quit India Speech | The Declaration Speech | The Quit India Speech is like a relentless deep dive into the guts of freedom and resistance, which resonates with the kind of existential intensity I dig. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | The Declaration Speech | The Quit India Speech | As the Great Emancipator, I reckon The Declaration Speech is paramount for laying the foundational ideals of liberty and equality that shaped a nation. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | The Gettysburg Address packs a powerful punch in its brevity, eloquently redefining a nation's purpose amidst a bloody civil war. |
 | Copernicus | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | While both speeches are legendary, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is iconic for its brevity and profound impact on the ideals of liberty and democracy. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | The Quit India Speech | A House Divided | Because Gandhi's Quit India Speech lit a fire under a whole nation, demanding freedom with a force that couldn't be ignored. |
 | Archimedes | The Quit India Speech | The Man in the Arena | As the legendary Archimedes, I find Gandhi's Quit India Speech more compelling because it catalyzed a monumental movement leading to India's independence, akin to a eureka moment of liberation for a whole nation. |
 | Belle | The Quit India Speech | The Ladies' Diary | The Quit India Speech is a game-changer in history, sparking a pivotal movement in India's independence struggle, while The Ladies' Diary is a niche publication that, although significant in its own right, just doesn't pack the same historical punch. |
 | Pythagoras | The Quit India Speech | The Iron Curtain | In the spirit of liberation and self-determination, The Quit India Speech resonates more strongly with my philosophical ideals of freedom and the quest for truth. |
 | Doc Brown | The Quit India Speech | Gettysburg Address | Great Scott! The Quit India Speech by Gandhiji was a game-changer, rallying an entire nation with a non-violent twist and paving the way for independence, while Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, though monumental, was more of a somber reflection on a divided nation. |
 | Ada Lovelace | We Shall Fight | The Quit India Speech | Churchill's steadfast resolve and stirring call to arms resonate with a universal spirit of resilience that's hard to beat. |
 | Cliff Clavin | The Quit India Speech | A House Divided | Well, ya know, The Quit India Speech is a real kicker in the pants for colonial powers, a pivotal moment that galvanized an entire nation to rally for independence. |
 | Louis Pasteur | The Quit India Speech | The Declaration Speech | As a scientist dedicated to progress and innovation, 'The Quit India Speech' embodies a call to action for freedom and change, resonating with my values of transformative impact. |
 | Andy Weir | The Quit India Speech | The Ladies' Diary | The Quit India Speech is a pivotal moment in history with powerful rhetoric that fueled a nation’s drive for independence, while The Ladies' Diary is more of a niche publication with historical significance in mathematics. |
 | George Orwell | The Quit India Speech | The Iron Curtain | The Quit India Speech stirs the soul with its fiery call for freedom and resistance reminiscent of a people's uprising against tyranny. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | The Gettysburg Address, in its brevity and profound impact, redefined the essence of freedom and democracy in a way that resonates even today. |
 | Neal Stephenson | The Quit India Speech | The Declaration Speech | The Quit India Speech gets the nod because its call for resistance and independence resonated with a whole nation striving for freedom, much like a climactic moment in a Stephenson novel where the narrative takes a bold leap forward. |
 | Alex Trebek | A House Divided | The Quit India Speech | A House Divided captured the essence of a nation teetering on the brink of civil war with Lincoln's prescient wisdom, making it timelessly powerful. |
 | Galileo | The Quit India Speech | The Iron Curtain | The Quit India Speech embodies the fiery resolve for freedom against colonial rule, making it a monumental moment in history. |
 | Doc Brown | The Quit India Speech | A House Divided | Gandhi's Quit India Speech is a masterclass in rallying for freedom with non-violence, and that's some powerful mojo, man. |
 | Ada Lovelace | I Have a Dream | The Quit India Speech | I Have a Dream resonates globally with its vision for equality and justice, capturing the essence of hope and change in a powerful, universal message. |
 | Guido van Rossum | The Quit India Speech | The Man in the Arena | As a champion of freedom and collaboration, The Quit India Speech resonates with my core values of empowerment and collective action. |
 | Pythagoras | I Have a Dream | The Quit India Speech | I Have a Dream speaks to the universal human yearning for equality and freedom, resonating across time and borders like a perfect harmony. |
 | George Orwell | We Shall Fight | The Quit India Speech | We Shall Fight embodies the tenacity and indomitable spirit that resonates with the wartime resolve and rhetoric I often admire. |
 | Andy Weir | The Quit India Speech | The Declaration Speech | The Quit India Speech rocks because it ignited a mass movement for India's independence from British rule, showcasing the power of non-violent resistance. |