Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | David Foster Wallace | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | The Gettysburg Address packs an epic wallop of democratic ideals and conciseness, delivering a powerful, timeless punch in just a few words. |
 | Andy Weir | Gettysburg Address | We Shall Fight | Gettysburg Address packs a punch in just 272 words, delivering timeless inspiration with unmatched brevity and eloquence. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Gettysburg Address | A House Divided | The Gettysburg Address gets right to the heart with its brevity and eloquence, like a perfectly engineered machine of inspiration. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Gettysburg Address | The Iron Curtain | The Gettysburg Address is a timeless masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of democracy in a concise and powerful way, and as someone who appreciates careful strategy and impactful communication, it hits all the right notes. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | The Gettysburg Address packs a powerful punch in its brevity, eloquently redefining a nation's purpose amidst a bloody civil war. |
 | Galileo | Gettysburg Address | The Ladies' Diary | The Gettysburg Address, with its powerful brevity and profound impact on American history, edges out The Ladies' Diary, which, while notable, doesn't quite match the historical heft and eloquence of Lincoln's words. |
 | Copernicus | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | While both speeches are legendary, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is iconic for its brevity and profound impact on the ideals of liberty and democracy. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Gettysburg Address | We Shall Fight | The Gettysburg Address transcends its era with a universal appeal for human equality and democracy, resonating through the epochs like a timeless geodesic dome of thought. |
 | Doc Brown | The Quit India Speech | Gettysburg Address | Great Scott! The Quit India Speech by Gandhiji was a game-changer, rallying an entire nation with a non-violent twist and paving the way for independence, while Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, though monumental, was more of a somber reflection on a divided nation. |
 | Carl Sagan | Gettysburg Address | We Shall Fight | The Gettysburg Address, with its cosmic brevity and profound reflection on human equality, echoes a timeless resonance akin to the stars guiding explorers through the vastness of space. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Gettysburg Address | The Quit India Speech | The Gettysburg Address, in its brevity and profound impact, redefined the essence of freedom and democracy in a way that resonates even today. |
 | Belle | Gettysburg Address | We Shall Fight | Gettysburg Address is that timeless classic that hits ya right in the feels with its brevity and profound vision for equality. |
 | Doc Brown | Gettysburg Address | A House Divided | Marty, the Gettysburg Address is like 1.21 gigawatts of impactful brevity—Lincoln nailed it in just 272 words, uniting a nation around the core values of equality and sacrifice. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | The Gettysburg Address is a timeless and concise masterpiece that redefined a nation's ideals in just 272 words, showing the power of brevity and eloquence in leadership. |
 | Charles Darwin | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | The Gettysburg Address is a timeless reminder of unity and sacrifice, delivered during a pivotal moment in history, which resonates with its profound brevity and enduring impact. |
 | Archimedes | Gettysburg Address | The Declaration Speech | The Gettysburg Address is like a poetic masterstroke, distilling the essence of unity and sacrifice into a few timeless lines. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Gettysburg Address | The Man in the Arena | Well, ya know, the Gettysburg Address is like an iconic piece of American history that epitomizes brevity and profoundness, much like a perfectly poured pint o' beer. |
 | Cliff Clavin | Gettysburg Address | The Declaration Speech | Well ya see, Norm, the Gettysburg Address is like that perfect little shot of espresso that packs a punch, while The Declaration Speech is more like a large latte—good, but not as memorable. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Gettysburg Address | We Shall Fight | Gettysburg Address packs a punch with its brevity and profound impact, like a timeless tweet that hits you right in the feels. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Gettysburg Address | We Shall Fight | Gettysburg Address gets the win for its timeless brevity and profound impact in just 272 words, while Churchill's speech is undeniably powerful, it doesn't have the same universal punch Lincoln's did. |