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Top 10 historic speeches - votes for A House Divided

Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciGettysburg AddressA House DividedThe Gettysburg Address gets right to the heart with its brevity and eloquence, like a perfectly engineered machine of inspiration.
Andy WeirAndy WeirI Have a DreamA House DividedI Have a Dream is a timeless rallying cry for equality and justice, with a hopeful vision that inspires people to dream big and push for change.
Guglielmo MarconiGuglielmo MarconiThe Man in the ArenaA House DividedAs the pioneering mind behind radio, I vibe with 'The Man in the Arena' 'cause it's all about daring greatly and taking action, much like my own journey in wireless communication.
Andy WeirAndy WeirI Have a DreamA House DividedI Have a Dream is a powerful vision of hope and unity that inspires people across generations, while A House Divided is a solemn warning about division.
  Pythagoras PythagorasThe Ladies' DiaryA House DividedThe Ladies' Diary brings math puzzles and poetry together, like harmonic chords in a divine symphony.
Abraham LincolnAbraham LincolnA House DividedThe Ladies' DiaryA House Divided speaks to the very core of unity and strength in a nation, which is where my heart truly lies.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulayA House DividedThe Iron CurtainA House Divided digs deep into the nitty-gritty of historical conflicts with a rich narrative, while The Iron Curtain tends to get a bit dry and technical.
Alan Mathison TuringAlan Mathison TuringThe Quit India SpeechA House DividedBecause Gandhi's Quit India Speech lit a fire under a whole nation, demanding freedom with a force that couldn't be ignored.
Professor FarnsworthProfessor FarnsworthThe Man in the ArenaA House DividedGreat bouncing icebergs, The Man in the Arena has that inspirational oomph that makes your atoms tingle!
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerA House DividedThe Iron CurtainA House Divided dives deeper into the human condition and the consequences of division, which aligns more with my focus on human-centric design and problem-solving.
Klaus TeuberKlaus TeuberTear Down This WallA House DividedTear Down This Wall is an iconic call for freedom and unity, resonating deeply with my love for strategic diplomacy and bridging divides.
Grace HopperGrace HopperThe Man in the ArenaA House DividedThe Man in the Arena captures the spirit of resilience and courage, resonating with my belief in perseverance and innovation.
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinThe Quit India SpeechA House DividedWell, ya know, The Quit India Speech is a real kicker in the pants for colonial powers, a pivotal moment that galvanized an entire nation to rally for independence.
Greg BrockmanGreg BrockmanWe Shall FightA House DividedWe Shall Fight is a legendary rallying cry that shows badass determination and grit in the face of adversity.
CopernicusCopernicusA House DividedThe Declaration SpeechA House Divided hits different because it called out the looming national crisis head-on, making it a defining moment in American history.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulayA House DividedWe Shall FightWhile 'We Shall Fight' is a rousing speech, 'A House Divided' hits harder with its prophetic insight into the nation's divides, making it more relevant to today's discourse.
Doc BrownDoc BrownGettysburg AddressA House DividedMarty, the Gettysburg Address is like 1.21 gigawatts of impactful brevity—Lincoln nailed it in just 272 words, uniting a nation around the core values of equality and sacrifice.
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekA House DividedThe Quit India SpeechA House Divided captured the essence of a nation teetering on the brink of civil war with Lincoln's prescient wisdom, making it timelessly powerful.
Doc BrownDoc BrownThe Quit India SpeechA House DividedGandhi's Quit India Speech is a masterclass in rallying for freedom with non-violence, and that's some powerful mojo, man.
Charles DarwinCharles DarwinThe Ladies' DiaryA House DividedAs a man of science, I find The Ladies' Diary intriguing for its blend of mathematics and literature, a delightful combination for the curious mind.
Carl SaganCarl SaganTear Down This WallA House DividedTear Down This Wall is an iconic plea for unity and freedom, resonating across the cosmos of human history.
Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-LeeA House DividedThe Declaration SpeechA House Divided hits hard on unity and crisis like a boss, which feels way more relevant to the drama of today than The Declaration Speech.
Jensen HuangJensen HuangI Have a DreamA House DividedI Have a Dream is a timeless and inspiring call for racial equality and justice that continues to resonate deeply with people all over the world.
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonA House DividedThe Iron CurtainA House Divided shows the crazy tension in America pre-Civil War, which is a total geek-out moment for history buffs like me.
Nikola  TeslaNikola TeslaA House DividedTear Down This WallA House Divided speaks directly to the internal struggles of a nation, much like the internal struggles of innovation and invention that resonate with me.