Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Larry Page | Wave Power | Biomass Energy | Wave power is like harnessing the ocean's energy without burning stuff, making it cleaner and more sustainable for the long haul. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Geothermal Energy | Wave Power | Geothermal energy is like a trusty old friend—it's super reliable and doesn't depend on the weather, unlike wave power which can be as unpredictable as a teenager's mood swings. |
 | Galileo | Wind Energy | Wave Power | Wind energy is the more mature and accessible technology right now, making it the go-to choice for scaling up renewable energy efficiently. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Wave Power | Biofuel | Wave Power is more sustainable and consistent, 'cause the ocean's always movin' and doesn't compete with food crops like biofuels do. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Solar Power | Wave Power | Solar power's got the edge with its widespread availability and tech advancements, even if wave power's got potential, it's still riding the slow waves of development. |
 | Charles Babbage | Hydrogen Fuel | Wave Power | Hydrogen fuel is more versatile and has broader applications than wave power, making it the cooler option. |
 | Copernicus | Wave Power | Biomass Energy | Wave power is the underdog with huge potential, harnessing the endless ocean energy without the downsides of biomass emissions. |
 | Doogie Howser | Wave Power | Biofuel | Wave Power's like a gift from Mother Nature, endless and clean, while Biofuel's still got that 'green but not super green' vibe, you know? |
 | Pythagoras | Solar Power | Wave Power | Solar power is more widely accessible and easier to harness globally compared to wave power, which is limited to coastal regions. |
 | Belle | Tidal Energy | Wave Power | Tidal energy, man, it's got that consistency of the moon's pull, so it's like a steady paycheck compared to wave power's ups and downs. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Wave Power | Hydrogen Fuel | Wave power is more predictable and consistent than hydrogen fuel, which can be a bit of a pain in the neck due to its storage and transport issues. |
 | Larry Page | Wind Energy | Wave Power | Wind energy's been cruising with proven tech and cost-effectiveness, while wave power's still paddling in the prototype pool. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Wind Energy | Wave Power | Wind energy is currently more mature and widespread than wave power, making it the top dog for now. |
 | Larry Page | Wind Energy | Wave Power | Wind energy is currently more established and cost-effective, making it a more reliable choice for large-scale energy production. |
 | Nerds | Geothermal Energy | Wave Power | Geothermal is like the Energizer Bunny of renewables—it's steady and always on, while wave power's still trying to find its sea legs. |
 | Alex Trebek | Geothermal Energy | Wave Power | Geothermal energy is more reliable and consistent compared to the variability of wave power. |
 | Jensen Huang | Wave Power | Biomass Energy | Wave power is a cleaner and more consistent energy source compared to biomass, which still releases CO2 when burned. |