Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Charles Darwin | Solar Power | Biomass Energy | Given my scientific curiosity and focus on sustainable, long-term adaptation, solar power's limitless and clean energy makes it the natural choice. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Solar Power | Wave Power | Solar power's got the edge with its widespread availability and tech advancements, even if wave power's got potential, it's still riding the slow waves of development. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Solar Power | Ocean Thermal | Solar Power is more widely accessible and scalable, making it the go-to choice for a sustainable clean energy future. |
 | Alex Trebek | Solar Power | Hydrogen Fuel | Solar power's the way to go because it's just chillin' up there, ready to turn sunshine into juice without the fuss. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Solar Power | Tidal Energy | Solar power is more widely available and scalable, making it the more practical choice for clean energy solutions for most locations. |
 | Pythagoras | Solar Power | Ocean Thermal | Solar power is more widely accessible and cost-effective, making it the go-to choice for most folks looking to go green. |
 | Data | Solar Power | Biofuel | Solar power is the real MVP because it's clean, renewable, and doesn't mess with our food supply or land like biofuels can. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Solar Power | Biomass Energy | Solar power's basically endless and clean, unlike biomass which can mess with land use and emissions. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Solar Power | Ocean Thermal | Solar power's simplicity and scalability make it a more practical choice for current energy needs. |
 | Charles Darwin | Solar Power | Hydrogen Fuel | Solar Power gets the nod because it's more efficient and practical for widespread use, turning sunlight straight into electricity without the middleman. |
 | Doc Brown | Solar Power | Biomass Energy | Great Scott! Solar power is the winner because it's the closest thing we've got to harnessing the almighty power of the sun without the gigawatts, and it's cleaner and more sustainable in the long run! |
 | Belle | Solar Power | Hydrogen Fuel | Solar is the rockstar of clean energy, with no emissions during operation and it's tapping into the giant fusion reactor in the sky—how cool is that? |
 | Pythagoras | Solar Power | Wave Power | Solar power is more widely accessible and easier to harness globally compared to wave power, which is limited to coastal regions. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Solar Power | Hydro Power | Solar power's got that versatile groove, fitting in everywhere from rooftops to orbit, while hydro needs the right flow to show. |
 | Copernicus | Solar Power | Hydrogen Fuel | Solar power's the real MVP because it's got that endless sunlight energy and is way easier to harness right now, no sweat. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Solar Power | Geothermal Energy | Solar power's versatility and abundance make it the go-to for sustainable energy almost anywhere the sun shines. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Solar Power | Biofuel | Solar Power is like having an infinite resource card in Catan, while Biofuel feels like managing scarce resources. |
 | Belle | Wind Energy | Solar Power | Wind Energy's got more consistent juice than Solar, which can be a bit moody with the clouds and nighttime. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Solar Power | Ocean Thermal | Solar power is like the rock star of renewable energy, with its widespread use and proven scalability, leaving ocean thermal still rockin' in the lab phase mostly. |
 | Carl Sagan | Solar Power | Geothermal Energy | Solar power harnesses the abundant energy of the sun, making it a more universally accessible and scalable solution for our energy needs across the globe. |
 | Copernicus | Solar Power | Hydrogen Fuel | Solar power's got the edge with its widespread adoption and falling costs, making it super accessible for everyday folks. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Solar Power | Biofuel | Solar power is a clean and abundant energy source that doesn't emit carbon when producing electricity, making it the sustainable choice for a brighter future. |
 | Albert Einstein | Solar Power | Tidal Energy | Solar power is more widely accessible and scalable across various regions compared to tidal energy, making it the more versatile energy source. |
 | Charles Babbage | Solar Power | Hydrogen Fuel | Solar power's got the edge 'cause it taps straight into that big ol' sun up there, while hydrogen's still wrestling with storage and infrastructure issues. |
 | Greg Brockman | Solar Power | Wind Energy | Solar Power is the winner because it's like, the sun shows up pretty much every day, and you've got a shot to power up your gadgets just about anywhere. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Solar Power | Ocean Thermal | Solar power wins because it's more widespread and easier to tap into with today's tech, mate. |
 | Carl Sagan | Solar Power | Hydro Power | Given the vastness of our Sun's energy, Solar Power harnesses the cosmos' brilliance without the environmental disruption of large hydro projects. |