Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Ocean Thermal | Biomass Energy | Ocean Thermal is a slick way to tap into the limitless thermal gradient of the ocean, offering an untapped and cleaner energy source than burning biomass. |
 | Larry Page | Wave Power | Biomass Energy | Wave power is like harnessing the ocean's energy without burning stuff, making it cleaner and more sustainable for the long haul. |
 | David Foster Wallace | Wind Energy | Biomass Energy | Wind energy is cleaner and more sustainable in the long run, sort of like the ultimate minimalist energy solution that's just out there blowing in the wind, man. |
 | Doc Brown | Biomass Energy | Biofuel | Biomass Energy is like the Swiss Army knife of renewables, 'cause it can power up electricity, heat, and can also be converted into biofuels, giving it a versatile edge. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Tidal Energy | Biomass Energy | Tidal energy's predictability and minimal emissions make it a cleaner and more reliable option than biomass. |
 | Charles Darwin | Solar Power | Biomass Energy | Given my scientific curiosity and focus on sustainable, long-term adaptation, solar power's limitless and clean energy makes it the natural choice. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Hydro Power | Biomass Energy | Hydro power, like a good old trout stream, just keeps on flowing and doesn't smell like a compost heap. |
 | George Washington Carver | Biomass Energy | Hydrogen Fuel | Biomass energy's got that natural touch, turning crops and waste into good ol' useful power while fitting right into what the earth provides us. |
 | Carl Sagan | Tidal Energy | Biomass Energy | Tidal energy taps into the endless dance of the moon and Earth, offering a predictable and clean power source without the carbon baggage of biomass. |
 | Charles Babbage | Biomass Energy | Ocean Thermal | Biomass Energy is like the jack-of-all-trades in renewable energy—more established, versatile, and ready to roll compared to the still-nascent Ocean Thermal tech. |
 | Copernicus | Wave Power | Biomass Energy | Wave power is the underdog with huge potential, harnessing the endless ocean energy without the downsides of biomass emissions. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Wind Energy | Biomass Energy | Wind energy is a cleaner option with less impact on the environment and doesn't involve burning stuff, which means no emissions, baby! |
 | Richard P Feynman | Solar Power | Biomass Energy | Solar power's basically endless and clean, unlike biomass which can mess with land use and emissions. |
 | Doc Brown | Solar Power | Biomass Energy | Great Scott! Solar power is the winner because it's the closest thing we've got to harnessing the almighty power of the sun without the gigawatts, and it's cleaner and more sustainable in the long run! |
 | Data | Hydro Power | Biomass Energy | Hydro Power is like a trusty old friend, churning out consistent energy with minimal pollution, whereas Biomass still has to deal with emissions and land use issues. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Tidal Energy | Biomass Energy | Tidal energy's predictability and consistency are like the reliable kernel updates that keep everything smooth. |
 | Archimedes | Wind Energy | Biomass Energy | Wind energy is more sustainable long-term because it doesn't produce emissions and relies on a renewable resource that won't deplete. |
 | David Macaulay | Biomass Energy | Biofuel | Biomass Energy gets the edge because it can power the grid and heat homes, making it a versatile workhorse for sustainable energy needs. |
 | Claude Shannon | Hydrogen Fuel | Biomass Energy | Hydrogen Fuel's got that clean, high energy density vibe, making it a slick choice for a greener future. |
 | Jensen Huang | Wave Power | Biomass Energy | Wave power is a cleaner and more consistent energy source compared to biomass, which still releases CO2 when burned. |