Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Ocean Thermal | Biofuel | Because Ocean Thermal is like tapping into a giant, endless battery that just keeps on giving without burning stuff up. |
 | Doc Brown | Biomass Energy | Biofuel | Biomass Energy is like the Swiss Army knife of renewables, 'cause it can power up electricity, heat, and can also be converted into biofuels, giving it a versatile edge. |
 | Alex Trebek | Tidal Energy | Biofuel | Tidal energy is a renewable powerhouse with predictable cycles, unlike biofuel which can have sustainability issues. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Wave Power | Biofuel | Wave Power is more sustainable and consistent, 'cause the ocean's always movin' and doesn't compete with food crops like biofuels do. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Tidal Energy | Biofuel | Tidal energy is like the reliable metronome of the seas, offering consistent and clean power, whereas biofuel feels more like a temperamental artist, needing a lot of resources and creating emissions when used. |
 | Dr. Frederick Frankenstein | Geothermal Energy | Biofuel | Geothermal energy is like the gift that keeps on giving, providing a steady, low-emission power source straight from the Earth's fiery core, unlike biofuels which often play footsie with land and food resources. |
 | Data | Solar Power | Biofuel | Solar power is the real MVP because it's clean, renewable, and doesn't mess with our food supply or land like biofuels can. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Tidal Energy | Biofuel | Tidal energy is more consistent and sustainable in the long run because it relies on the predictability of ocean tides, unlike biofuel which depends on crop availability and can impact food supply. |
 | Doogie Howser | Wave Power | Biofuel | Wave Power's like a gift from Mother Nature, endless and clean, while Biofuel's still got that 'green but not super green' vibe, you know? |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Geothermal Energy | Biofuel | Geothermal Energy is a clean, robust, and perpetual energy source with minimal environmental impact relative to Biofuel, which can still strain natural resources and produce emissions. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Tidal Energy | Biofuel | Tidal energy is like a perpetual energy machine powered by the moon, while biofuel still relies on burning stuff and has its own emissions. |
 | Larry Page | Hydrogen Fuel | Biofuel | Hydrogen fuel is like the Google of clean energy—it's got the potential to revolutionize the future with its zero-emissions promise. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Ocean Thermal | Biofuel | Ocean Thermal taps into the planet’s massive ocean energy reserves, while biofuel is just a small fry in the vast ocean of energy needs. |
 | Louis Pasteur | Hydrogen Fuel | Biofuel | With its clean output of just water, hydrogen fuel is like the lab coat of the energy world – crisp and efficient. |
 | Klaus Teuber | Solar Power | Biofuel | Solar Power is like having an infinite resource card in Catan, while Biofuel feels like managing scarce resources. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Tidal Energy | Biofuel | Tidal energy's got a steady and predictable power flow, unlike biofuel that depends on crops and weather—it's just more reliable, man. |
 | David Macaulay | Biomass Energy | Biofuel | Biomass Energy gets the edge because it can power the grid and heat homes, making it a versatile workhorse for sustainable energy needs. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Tidal Energy | Biofuel | Tidal energy is more reliable and sustainable long-term, dude, 'cause the tides are always gonna flow, unlike crops that can be fickle. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Solar Power | Biofuel | Solar power is a clean and abundant energy source that doesn't emit carbon when producing electricity, making it the sustainable choice for a brighter future. |
 | Tim Berners-Lee | Hydrogen Fuel | Biofuel | Hydrogen fuel's got the edge with its zero emissions and high energy potential, making it the future-friendly choice. |