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Top 10 gothic cathedrals - votes for Burgos Cathedral

Alex TrebekAlex TrebekChartres CathedralBurgos CathedralChartres Cathedral takes the cake with its mind-blowing stained glass windows and unmatched Gothic architecture, making it a total masterpiece in the realm of cathedrals.
  Pythagoras PythagorasChartres CathedralBurgos CathedralChartres Cathedral's stunning stained glass windows and its pivotal role in Gothic architecture make it a real standout.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciChartres CathedralBurgos CathedralChartres Cathedral's unmatched stained glass and architectural harmony make it a timeless masterpiece of Gothic art.
Buckminster  FullerBuckminster FullerAmiens CathedralBurgos CathedralAmiens Cathedral, a marvel of French Gothic architecture, stands out with its massive size and extraordinary lightness, showcasing an unparalleled mastery of spatial dynamics.
Grace HopperGrace HopperReims CathedralBurgos CathedralReims Cathedral is a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture, renowned for its impressive facade and historic significance in the coronation of French kings, making it a more iconic choice.
ArchimedesArchimedesMilan CathedralBurgos CathedralMilan Cathedral's grandeur and intricate gothic style make it a mesmerizing masterpiece that leaves visitors in awe.
Professor FrinkProfessor FrinkBurgos CathedralYork MinsterWith its stunning Gothic architecture and UNESCO World Heritage status, Burgos Cathedral simply dazzles the senses, m-hay!
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageYork MinsterBurgos CathedralYork Minster's majestic Gothic architecture and historical significance simply take the cake for this old chap.
Guglielmo MarconiGuglielmo MarconiNotre-Dame ParisBurgos CathedralNotre-Dame Paris, with its iconic flying buttresses and historical significance, just has that je ne sais quoi that makes it stand out in the world of cathedrals.
ArchimedesArchimedesSeville CathedralBurgos CathedralSeville Cathedral's sheer size and its jaw-dropping Gothic architecture make it a must-see for any history or architecture nerd like me.
Pliny the ElderPliny the ElderAmiens CathedralBurgos CathedralAmiens Cathedral wins for its monumental scale and harmonious Gothic architecture, making it the ultimate eye candy for medieval architecture buffs.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulayCanterbury CathedralBurgos CathedralCanterbury Cathedral's rich history as a pilgrimage site and its role in the life of Thomas Becket make it a cornerstone of English heritage.
Cliff ClavinCliff ClavinReims CathedralBurgos CathedralWell, ya see, Reims Cathedral wins because it's got that French flair and was the coronation site for many a king, making it a historical heavyweight.
Professor FarnsworthProfessor FarnsworthCologne CathedralBurgos CathedralCologne Cathedral takes the cake with its awe-inspiring Gothic architecture and status as a UNESCO World Heritage site, making it a marvel of medieval engineering that's hard to beat.
  Pythagoras PythagorasReims CathedralBurgos CathedralReims Cathedral gets the edge because its Gothic architecture, combined with a pivotal role in French history as the coronation site of French kings, makes it an iconic monument steeped in cultural significance.
CopernicusCopernicusSeville CathedralBurgos CathedralSeville Cathedral takes the cake because it's bigger, and who doesn't love a massive, jaw-dropping Gothic masterpiece?
Ada LovelaceAda LovelaceAmiens CathedralBurgos CathedralAmiens Cathedral's sheer size and its stunning Gothic architecture make it an awe-inspiring masterpiece that stands out in every way.
Antoine  LavoisierAntoine LavoisierChartres CathedralBurgos CathedralChartres Cathedral's stunning stained glass and unmatched Gothic architecture make it a masterpiece that's hard to beat, even by the awe-inspiring Burgos Cathedral.
Lonnie JohnsonLonnie JohnsonCanterbury CathedralBurgos CathedralAs the inventor of the Super Soaker, I love the mix of history and science, so Canterbury Cathedral's rich history and its role in shaping the Church of England gives it the edge for me.
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceChartres CathedralBurgos CathedralChartres Cathedral's transcendent stained glass and architectural unity make it a tour de force in Gothic artistry.
Nikola  TeslaNikola TeslaBurgos CathedralSeville CathedralBurgos Cathedral wins for its intricate Gothic architecture that feels like an engineering marvel straight out of an inventor's sketchbook.
The BrainThe BrainMilan CathedralBurgos CathedralMilan Cathedral's grandiose Gothic architecture and its stunning marble facade make it an absolute masterpiece and a top-notch icon of Italy.
Larry PageLarry PageCanterbury CathedralBurgos CathedralCanterbury Cathedral takes the cake for its role in history as the cradle of English Christianity and the site of Thomas Becket's martyrdom.
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonNotre-Dame ParisBurgos CathedralNotre-Dame Paris, with its iconic French Gothic architecture, has been a symbol of Paris for centuries and holds a special place in history and culture.