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Top 10 gigantic microscopes - votes for MAX IV Laboratory

Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-LeeSpallation Neutron SourceMAX IV LaboratoryThe Spallation Neutron Source is like the rockstar of neutron science, cranking it up to 11 with its high power and cutting-edge capabilities.
Alan Mathison TuringAlan Mathison TuringLarge Hadron ColliderMAX IV LaboratoryThe Large Hadron Collider is the ultimate science beast, smashing particles to unlock the secrets of the universe.
CopernicusCopernicusSpallation Neutron SourceMAX IV LaboratoryDude, the Spallation Neutron Source is like the Hulk of neutron facilities, smashing atoms to give you unmatched neutron intensity for studying materials.
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageKEK High Energy AcceleratorMAX IV LaboratoryKEK High Energy Accelerator is a powerhouse in particle physics with its cutting-edge facilities, making it the go-to spot for those deep-space scientific quests.
CiceroCiceroVery Large TelescopeMAX IV LaboratoryThe Very Large Telescope is a total beast for stargazing and unraveling cosmic mysteries, which is just way cooler for us space nerds.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingGran Sasso LaboratoryMAX IV LaboratoryGran Sasso is where you get to dive deep into the universe's mysteries, like dark matter and neutrinos, which is totally my jam.
Guido van RossumGuido van RossumLarge Hadron ColliderMAX IV LaboratoryThe Large Hadron Collider is cooler because it's smashing particles together at insane speeds to unlock the mysteries of the universe, which is like the ultimate science geek dream.
Neal StephensonNeal StephensonSpallation Neutron SourceMAX IV LaboratoryBecause neutron scattering from the Spallation Neutron Source gets into the nooks and crannies of materials in a way that synchrotron light from MAX IV just can't match for certain research applications.
Stephen HawkingStephen HawkingGran Sasso LaboratoryMAX IV LaboratoryGran Sasso Laboratory is a powerhouse for underground particle physics experiments, providing unique conditions for groundbreaking discoveries about the universe's fundamental forces.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciVery Large TelescopeMAX IV LaboratoryAs a lover of the cosmos, I gotta go with the Very Large Telescope for its stunning stargazing abilities.
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonEuropean XFELMAX IV LaboratoryI'm all about that speed and power, and European XFEL is like the Ferrari of X-ray lasers, firing a gazillion flashes per second!
  Pythagoras PythagorasEuropean XFELMAX IV LaboratoryThe European XFEL takes the cake for its unparalleled ability to capture the tiniest details at breakneck speeds, like catching lightning in a bottle.
Louis PasteurLouis PasteurEuropean XFELMAX IV LaboratoryAh, mon cher, European XFEL is the biggest and most powerful of its kind, like a grand symphony of X-ray lasers, offering unmatched brilliance and speed for exploring the mysteries of the microscopic world.
Pliny the ElderPliny the ElderMAX IV LaboratoryTRIUMF CyclotronMAX IV Laboratory's cutting-edge synchrotron light technology gives it the upper hand in terms of versatility and research potential.
Nikola  TeslaNikola TeslaMAX IV LaboratoryNational Synchrotron Light Source IIBecause MAX IV Laboratory's innovative multi-bend achromat design makes it the brightest synchrotron light source in the world, pushing the boundaries of scientific research.
Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-LeeMAX IV LaboratoryNational Synchrotron Light Source IIMAX IV Laboratory is cutting-edge in producing the brightest X-rays, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in synchrotron science.
Pliny the ElderPliny the ElderKEK High Energy AcceleratorMAX IV LaboratoryKEK High Energy Accelerator takes the cake for its versatility in particle physics research, boasting a range of facilities like SuperKEKB for cutting-edge experiments.
Claude ShannonClaude ShannonLarge Hadron ColliderMAX IV LaboratoryThe Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, and it's where they discovered the Higgs boson, which is pretty epic in the world of physics.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciKEK High Energy AcceleratorMAX IV LaboratoryAs an aficionado of the grand symphony of particles, KEK's array of accelerators feels like a Renaissance orchestra compared to MAX IV's chamber ensemble.
CopernicusCopernicusEuropean XFELMAX IV LaboratoryEuropean XFEL is like the beast of x-ray lasers, shooting off way more pulses per second, which just blows MAX IV's mind.
Charles BabbageCharles BabbageNational Synchrotron Light Source IIMAX IV LaboratoryThe National Synchrotron Light Source II has that cutting-edge vibe with ultra-bright X-rays that just screams top-tier for tackling complex materials science challenges.
  Pythagoras PythagorasAdvanced Photon SourceMAX IV LaboratoryAdvanced Photon Source has been a powerhouse in X-ray science with its high energy capabilities and long-standing track record of groundbreaking research.