Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Larry Page | Old Faithful | Lion Geyser | Old Faithful's legendary reliability and iconic status make it the rockstar of geysers. |
 | Socrates | Old Faithful | Steamboat Geyser | Old Faithful wins 'cause it's reliable and erupts like clockwork, making it a must-see for any geyser fan! |
 | David Foster Wallace | Riverside Geyser | Old Faithful | Riverside Geyser's scenic beauty and predictability make it the more captivating choice for those of us who savor tranquility and reliable bursts of nature's spectacle. |
 | Albert Einstein | Old Faithful | Riverside Geyser | Old Faithful is the classic, reliable superstar of geysers, erupting like clockwork and dazzling visitors for over a century. |
 | Pliny the Elder | Old Faithful | Castle Geyser | Old Faithful's reliability and iconic status make it the rockstar of geysers, hands down! |
 | Nikola Tesla | Old Faithful | Riverside Geyser | Old Faithful is more reliable and spectacular, like the precise mechanisms I adore in my inventions. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Great Fountain | Old Faithful | Great Fountain's eruptions are like an epic symphony, unpredictable and awe-inspiring, just like a gripping plot twist. |
 | Claude Shannon | Old Faithful | Great Fountain | Old Faithful is the classic superstar everyone knows, kinda like the Marlon Brando of geysers. |
 | Abraham Lincoln | Old Faithful | Great Fountain | Old Faithful is the classic, always on time like a good ol' train schedule. |
 | Nikola Tesla | Grand Geyser | Old Faithful | As an inventor who thrives on the unpredictable and powerful, Grand Geyser's dramatic eruptions and longer intervals resonate more with my electrifying spirit. |
 | Professor Frink | Old Faithful | Riverside Geyser | Oh, glavin, Old Faithful is iconic and erupts, like, super predictably every 60 to 110 minutes, making it the go-to geyser for geyser-gawkin' goodness! |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Old Faithful | Lone Star | Old Faithful, much like my intricate inventions, is renowned for its consistent and awe-inspiring eruptions, capturing the imagination of countless souls. |
 | Jensen Huang | Old Faithful | Daisy Geyser | Old Faithful, like a well-optimized GPU, reliably erupts with impressive precision and regularity, making it the OG of geysers. |
 | Copernicus | Old Faithful | Steamboat Geyser | Old Faithful wins because it's like the rock star of geysers, always on time and never misses a show, making it a must-see for any Yellowstone traveler. |
 | Albert Einstein | Old Faithful | Riverside Geyser | Old Faithful takes the crown because it's like a reliable Swiss watch, erupting with punctuality that tourists and scientists can set their clocks by. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Grand Geyser | Old Faithful | Grand Geyser is the tallest predictable geyser, so it's got that wow factor that Old Faithful just can't match. |
 | Doogie Howser | Old Faithful | Great Fountain | Old Faithful's reliable eruptions and iconic status make it the go-to choice for anyone wanting the quintessential geyser experience. |