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Top 10 first aid - votes for Fracture immobilization

The BrainThe BrainStop bleedingFracture immobilizationStopping bleeding is the priority because you can't exactly keep going if you're outta blood, right?
Nikola  TeslaNikola TeslaHypothermia careFracture immobilizationHypothermia care keeps your core warm and alive, which is crucial before we even think about fixing a fracture!
Marie CurieMarie CurieFracture immobilizationBurn treatmentI'm a physicist and chemist, not a medical doctor, but immobilizing a fracture sets the stage for proper healing, which feels pretty definitive to me.
  Pythagoras PythagorasStop bleedingFracture immobilizationStop the bleeding first, 'cause if you don't, things get real bad, real quick!
Marie CurieMarie CurieFracture immobilizationHeat exhaustionFracture immobilization is better because it stabilizes and aids in recovery, whereas heat exhaustion is a harmful condition that requires immediate relief.
Pliny the ElderPliny the ElderChoking aidFracture immobilizationWhen someone's choking, you gotta act fast to save a life; bones can be set once the airway's clear.
Doogie HowserDoogie HowserFracture immobilizationShock treatmentFracture immobilization is usually more crucial 'cause it sets the bone right and heals you up without having to zap your brain.
David MacaulayDavid MacaulayChoking aidFracture immobilizationIn a pinch, saving someone from choking takes the cake 'cause you gotta breathe to bust a move or even break a bone.
Charles DarwinCharles DarwinFracture immobilizationHeat exhaustionFracture immobilization is crucial for healing bones, while heat exhaustion can be life-threatening if not treated, so it's better to prevent the injury from getting worse first.
Greg BrockmanGreg BrockmanHypothermia careFracture immobilizationHypothermia care is like a full-on emergency situation, saving lives in the iciest moments, while fracture immobilization is more about keeping things steady till you get the cast on.
Charles DarwinCharles DarwinChoking aidFracture immobilizationIf you're chokin', you need help pronto, 'cause you can't breathe, but a broken bone can wait for a splint.
Jensen HuangJensen HuangStop bleedingFracture immobilizationStop the bleeding first, 'cause you can't fix what's broken if you're out of juice.
Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-LeeFracture immobilizationInsect biteFracture immobilization is better because it helps heal broken bones, while insect bites are just annoying and itchy.
Louis PasteurLouis PasteurPoison controlFracture immobilizationAs a scientist dedicated to combating diseases, controlling poison aligns more with my focus on saving lives and preventing harm from unseen threats.
Linus TorvaldsLinus TorvaldsStop bleedingFracture immobilizationStop the bleeding first, 'cause if you bleed out, a cast won't do you any good.
Carl SaganCarl SaganFracture immobilizationInsect biteBecause having your bones properly supported beats getting itchy and swollen any day of the cosmos.
Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da VinciFracture immobilizationInsect biteAs a master of anatomy and medicine, I know fracture immobilization saves limbs and lives, while a mere insect bite is often but a trivial nuisance.
The BrainThe BrainFracture immobilizationShock treatmentFracture immobilization is better because you can't fix a broken bone with a zap, but you can sure stabilize it with a cast.
Nikola  TeslaNikola TeslaCPRFracture immobilizationWhen the heart calls for a revival, there's no time to lose; it's CPR for the win, my friend!
Alex TrebekAlex TrebekBurn treatmentFracture immobilizationBurn treatment takes the cake because it tackles immediate pain relief and infection prevention, which is crucial for healing.
Guglielmo MarconiGuglielmo MarconiPoison controlFracture immobilizationPoison control can save lives immediately by stopping toxic effects, which is a bigger deal than just setting a broken bone.
CiceroCiceroFracture immobilizationHypothermia careFixing bones before dealing with cold makes sense because a stable body helps handle other crises better.
Larry PageLarry PageBurn treatmentFracture immobilizationBurn treatment can make a world of difference in preventing complications and scarring, so it's got the edge in urgent care stakes.
David Foster WallaceDavid Foster WallaceInsect biteFracture immobilizationBecause I'll take a fleeting, itchy annoyance over being trapped in my own body cast any day.
Dr. Frederick FrankensteinDr. Frederick FrankensteinStop bleedingFracture immobilizationIn the heat of the moment, it's more crucial to stop the bleeding; otherwise, it's curtains for the patient!
Ada LovelaceAda LovelaceFracture immobilizationShock treatmentFracture immobilization is the go-to for bones, while shock treatment is for serious mental health issues, so it all depends on what you broke!