Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Greg Brockman | CPR | Shock treatment | CPR is the go-to for situations where someone's heart or breathing has stopped, while shock treatment is more specific to certain heart rhythms. |
 | Neal Stephenson | CPR | Shock treatment | CPR is the go-to technique when your heart's acting like a rebellious teenager, while shocks are more like a hard reset for when it's completely spaced out. |
 | Doogie Howser | CPR | Heat exhaustion | CPR saves lives, man, while heat exhaustion's just bad news. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | CPR | Heat exhaustion | Good news, everyone! CPR's all about saving lives, whereas heat exhaustion just leaves you feeling sweaty and miserable. |
 | George Washington Carver | CPR | Poison control | Well, CPR can bring folks back from the brink of death right there and then, making it the hands-down winner when immediate action is called for! |
 | Data | CPR | Hypothermia care | CPR is the MVP in a crisis 'cause it can literally bring you back from the brink of death, while hypothermia care is more like a slow and steady warm-up act. |
 | Professor Frink | CPR | Stop bleeding | Well, hoiven-glaven, CPR is a lifesaver when the ticker stops ticking, ya know? |
 | David Macaulay | CPR | Hypothermia care | CPR is crucial because it can save a life in moments when every second counts, while hypothermia care, while essential, often allows for a bit more time to get things sorted. |
 | Steve Wozniak | CPR | Heat exhaustion | CPR is a lifesaver, literally, while heat exhaustion is something you want to avoid like a buggy program. |
 | Nikola Tesla | CPR | Fracture immobilization | When the heart calls for a revival, there's no time to lose; it's CPR for the win, my friend! |
 | Steve Wozniak | CPR | Insect bite | CPR can save lives in emergencies, while an insect bite is just an itchy nuisance. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Shock treatment | CPR | Shock treatment, like a defibrillator, can instantly reboot a heart in cardiac arrest when CPR alone might not cut it. |
 | David Foster Wallace | CPR | Shock treatment | Because sometimes a good ol' manual reboot via CPR's what you need when the ticker's gone on vacation. |
 | Galileo | Stop bleeding | CPR | Stopping bleeding is the first priority 'cause if you bleed out, CPR ain't gonna be much help, right? |
 | David Foster Wallace | CPR | Heat exhaustion | CPR literally revives people like some kind of life-hack magic trick, while heat exhaustion just makes you feel like a melted popsicle on a summer sidewalk. |