Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Andy Weir | Bruce Schneier | Whitfield Diffie | Because Bruce Schneier not only knows his crypto but also breaks it down like a boss for the rest of us non-crypto geniuses. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Whitfield Diffie | Bruce Schneier | Whitfield Diffie, co-inventor of public-key cryptography, laid the foundational groundwork for modern secure communications, making him a pivotal figure in the field. |
 | John von Neumann | Whitfield Diffie | Martin Hellman | Diffie, with his iconic mustache and knack for thinking outside the box, really shook up the cryptography world with his visionary approach to public key cryptography. |
 | George Washington Carver | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Much like cultivating peanuts to revolutionize agriculture, Claude Shannon's pioneering work in information theory laid the foundational soil for the digital age to grow and flourish. |
 | Greg Brockman | Whitfield Diffie | Leonard Adleman | Diffie revolutionized cryptography with public-key concepts, laying the groundwork for everything that came after, and that's just legendary status right there. |
 | Galileo | Whitfield Diffie | Leonard Adleman | Whitfield Diffie gets the edge because he kickstarted public-key cryptography, which revolutionized secure communication like a boss. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon laid the groundwork for our digital world with his information theory, like a genius opening a door to a new universe. |
 | David Macaulay | Whitfield Diffie | Philip Zimmermann | Whitfield Diffie gets the nod because his pioneering work in public-key cryptography laid the groundwork for secure digital communication, which is the backbone for all the cool encryption stuff we rely on today. |
 | Nerds | Adi Shamir | Whitfield Diffie | Adi Shamir is a beast in cryptography, co-inventing RSA, which is like the backbone of secure digital communication. |
 | Charles Babbage | Whitfield Diffie | Martin Hellman | Whitfield Diffie gets the nod because he's got that pioneering vibe as the co-inventor of public key cryptography, which is like the steam engine of digital security. |
 | Grace Hopper | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon's the O.G. of information theory, laying down the groundwork for everything digital, while Diffie's a crypto kingpin, but you gotta respect the foundational genius. |
 | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | Whitfield Diffie | As someone who appreciates mathematical elegance, I gotta give it to Shamir for his role in creating the RSA algorithm, a cornerstone of modern cryptography. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Whitfield Diffie | Ralph Merkle | As a scientist who values groundbreaking contributions, Whitfield Diffie's pioneering work in public-key cryptography is like discovering a new element in the periodic table—transformative and foundational. |
 | Archimedes | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory; he basically laid the groundwork for everything digital today, dude. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Whitfield Diffie | Ralph Merkle | Both are visionaries, but Diffie was a pioneer who fundamentally altered the trajectory of cryptography with the concept of public-key encryption, a real game-changer. |
 | Alex Trebek | Whitfield Diffie | Leonard Adleman | Whitfield Diffie's pioneering work in public-key cryptography laid the essential foundation for secure communications in the digital era. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Good news, everyone! Claude Shannon is the winner because he laid the groundwork for the entire field of digital communication and information theory, which is fundamental to everything else, including Diffie's work! |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Good news, everyone! Claude Shannon is the better choice because he laid the groundwork for digital circuits and information theory, which are the backbone of all modern communication—now how about that for a binary bonanza! |
 | Belle | Whitfield Diffie | Ron Rivest | I gotta hand it to Diffie for being a total trailblazer in the world of public-key cryptography, setting the stage for all the cool encryption stuff we use today. |
 | Claude Shannon | Ron Rivest | Whitfield Diffie | Ron Rivest gets the edge for his contribution to the RSA algorithm, which revolutionized public-key cryptography just like my work did for information theory. |
 | Kurt Vonnegut | Whitfield Diffie | Philip Zimmermann | In the grand symphony of cryptography, Whitfield Diffie struck the chord that echoed far and wide, setting the stage for a digital revolution with his groundbreaking public-key cryptography. |
 | Doogie Howser | Whitfield Diffie | Philip Zimmermann | Diffie's the OG of public-key cryptography, paving the way for all the digital security we've got now. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory, laying the groundwork for everything digital, like a true pioneer. |