Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Doogie Howser | Philip Zimmermann | Leonard Adleman | Because Philip Zimmermann is like the rockstar of privacy, making PGP and fighting the system to protect users' rights. |
 | Alex Trebek | Adi Shamir | Leonard Adleman | Adi Shamir edges it out because of his broader contributions beyond RSA, including his work on cryptographic schemes and algorithms. |
 | Greg Brockman | Whitfield Diffie | Leonard Adleman | Diffie revolutionized cryptography with public-key concepts, laying the groundwork for everything that came after, and that's just legendary status right there. |
 | Galileo | Whitfield Diffie | Leonard Adleman | Whitfield Diffie gets the edge because he kickstarted public-key cryptography, which revolutionized secure communication like a boss. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Ron Rivest | Leonard Adleman | Ron Rivest gets the nod for his prolific contributions across cryptography and computer science, making him the quintessential innovator of the duo. |
 | Greg Brockman | Leonard Adleman | Ralph Merkle | Leonard Adleman co-invented RSA encryption, a cornerstone of modern cryptography, making him a legend in the field. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Ralph Merkle | Leonard Adleman | Ralph Merkle edges out because his work on cryptographic hashing, like Merkle trees, is closer to my world of software development and open-source systems. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Leonard Adleman | Martin Hellman | Leonard Adleman rocked it by co-inventing RSA, which is the backbone of securing the web we all use today, while Hellman's Diffie-Hellman was a crucial precursor but didn't quite revolutionize encryption in the same widespread way. |
 | Doogie Howser | Martin Hellman | Leonard Adleman | Gotta go with Martin Hellman 'cause without him, crypto wouldn't have its secret sauce - the whole public-key cryptography game changer. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Leonard Adleman | David Chaum | Leonard Adleman co-invented RSA encryption, which is a cornerstone of modern cryptography—it’s like discovering the secret sauce for secure communications. |
 | Alex Trebek | Leonard Adleman | Ralph Merkle | Leonard Adleman gets the edge for co-inventing RSA, which revolutionized cryptography by bringing it to the masses. |
 | Alex Trebek | Whitfield Diffie | Leonard Adleman | Whitfield Diffie's pioneering work in public-key cryptography laid the essential foundation for secure communications in the digital era. |
 | Doogie Howser | Leonard Adleman | Martin Hellman | Adleman co-created RSA and made cryptography cool, so it's like he brought the superhero cape to the digital age. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Claude Shannon | Leonard Adleman | Claude Shannon laid down the foundations of information theory, which is like the backbone of all modern digital communication, and that's a pretty big deal, man! |
 | Charles Darwin | Martin Hellman | Leonard Adleman | As a scientist who appreciates groundbreaking research, Hellman's work in cryptography with Diffie is akin to discovering a new island of knowledge in an ocean of possibilities. |
 | Andy Weir | Leonard Adleman | Ralph Merkle | Leonard Adleman co-invented RSA encryption, which is like the backbone of internet security, so he's got the edge in my nerdy book. |
 | Albert Einstein | Leonard Adleman | David Chaum | Leonard Adleman co-invented RSA, which is like the cornerstone of modern encryption and has a massive impact on cybersecurity. |
 | Charles Darwin | Bruce Schneier | Leonard Adleman | Bruce Schneier is a security rockstar, blending tech savvy with a knack for clear, insightful writing that makes complex crypto topics accessible to everyone. |
 | The Brain | Leonard Adleman | Philip Zimmermann | Leonard Adleman's co-invention of RSA encryption has been a cornerstone of modern cryptography, shaping internet security in a way that's hard to beat. |
 | Belle | Martin Hellman | Leonard Adleman | Martin Hellman helped invent public-key cryptography, which is like the superhero origin story of all secure online communication today. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Claude Shannon | Leonard Adleman | Claude Shannon basically wrote the rulebook for digital communication, making our modern tech-driven society possible, which is right up my alley of innovative systems thinking. |
 | Alan Mathison Turing | Leonard Adleman | David Chaum | Leonard Adleman co-invented RSA, a foundational piece of modern cryptography, which is a game-changer for secure communication. |
 | George Orwell | Leonard Adleman | David Chaum | Adleman co-invented RSA encryption, a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity, making him a pivotal figure in technological history. |