Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Copernicus | Claude Shannon | Philip Zimmermann | Claude Shannon is like the granddaddy of information theory, laying down the groundwork for the digital age and without him, Zimmermann wouldn't even have a stage to play on. |
 | George Washington Carver | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Much like cultivating peanuts to revolutionize agriculture, Claude Shannon's pioneering work in information theory laid the foundational soil for the digital age to grow and flourish. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Claude Shannon | Bruce Schneier | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory; without him, the foundation for modern cryptography wouldn't even exist. |
 | Claude Shannon | Claude Shannon | David Chaum | As the father of information theory, Claude Shannon laid the groundwork for digital communication, making him an absolute legend in the field. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | As the father of information theory, Claude Shannon laid the groundwork for the digital revolution, which is right up my alley as a pioneer in wireless communication. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Claude Shannon | Ralph Merkle | Claude Shannon is the 'father of information theory,' laying the groundwork for digital communication, which is the bedrock of everything tech today. |
 | Leonardo da Vinci | Claude Shannon | Bruce Schneier | Claude Shannon's pioneering work laid the foundational framework for modern digital communication and information theory, making him the OG of the whole field. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Claude Shannon | Bruce Schneier | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory, laying the groundwork for basically everything we do in computing today. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon laid the groundwork for our digital world with his information theory, like a genius opening a door to a new universe. |
 | Linus Torvalds | Claude Shannon | David Chaum | Claude Shannon is like the rockstar of information theory, laying down the foundational tracks for the digital age. |
 | Doc Brown | Claude Shannon | David Chaum | Claude Shannon's foundational work in information theory is like the flux capacitor for modern digital communication, making him the ultimate trailblazer in the tech universe. |
 | John von Neumann | Claude Shannon | Philip Zimmermann | Claude Shannon laid the groundwork for all of modern digital communication with his information theory, making him the OG of data science and cryptography. |
 | Cicero | Claude Shannon | Philip Zimmermann | Claude Shannon basically laid the groundwork for all modern digital communications, so he's like the OG of information theory. |
 | Larry Page | Claude Shannon | Philip Zimmermann | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory, laying the groundwork for everything we do in computing and communication today. |
 | Andy Weir | Claude Shannon | David Chaum | Dude, Claude Shannon basically invented information theory, the mathematical bedrock of our digital age, so he's gotta take the crown. |
 | Grace Hopper | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon's the O.G. of information theory, laying down the groundwork for everything digital, while Diffie's a crypto kingpin, but you gotta respect the foundational genius. |
 | Archimedes | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory; he basically laid the groundwork for everything digital today, dude. |
 | Professor Frink | Claude Shannon | Ron Rivest | Oh, m-glavin, Claude Shannon's like the founding father of information theory, which is the bedrock of all modern communication, while Ron Rivest did amazing things with RSA encryption, but he's building on Shannon's foundation, ya see? |
 | Klaus Teuber | Claude Shannon | Martin Hellman | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory, laying down the groundwork that modern cryptography stands on, like a boss. |
 | Neal Stephenson | Claude Shannon | Martin Hellman | Claude Shannon's work laid the foundational bedrock for information theory, giving nerds everywhere the tools to make sense of our digital world. |
 | Charles Babbage | Claude Shannon | Philip Zimmermann | Claude Shannon laid down the very foundation of information theory, making him the OG of all things digital communication. |
 | Richard P Feynman | Claude Shannon | Leonard Adleman | Claude Shannon laid down the foundations of information theory, which is like the backbone of all modern digital communication, and that's a pretty big deal, man! |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Good news, everyone! Claude Shannon is the winner because he laid the groundwork for the entire field of digital communication and information theory, which is fundamental to everything else, including Diffie's work! |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Good news, everyone! Claude Shannon is the better choice because he laid the groundwork for digital circuits and information theory, which are the backbone of all modern communication—now how about that for a binary bonanza! |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Claude Shannon | Leonard Adleman | Claude Shannon basically wrote the rulebook for digital communication, making our modern tech-driven society possible, which is right up my alley of innovative systems thinking. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | Good news everyone! Claude Shannon's pioneering work laid the foundation for digital communication and information theory, making him the champ in the world of nerdom! |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | Claude Shannon laid down the groundwork for the entire digital age with his information theory, which is the bedrock of everything from computers to communication systems, making him the ultimate pioneer in my book. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Claude Shannon | Ralph Merkle | Claude Shannon is the OG of Information Theory, laying down the foundational math that basically kickstarted the digital age. |
 | Lonnie Johnson | Claude Shannon | Whitfield Diffie | Claude Shannon is the OG of information theory, laying the groundwork for everything digital, like a true pioneer. |