Image | Voter | Winner | Loser | Reason |
 | Ada Lovelace | Adi Shamir | Martin Hellman | Adi Shamir co-invented RSA, which is a cornerstone of modern cryptography, making his contributions absolutely game-changing. |
 | Alex Trebek | Adi Shamir | Leonard Adleman | Adi Shamir edges it out because of his broader contributions beyond RSA, including his work on cryptographic schemes and algorithms. |
 | Archimedes | Ron Rivest | Adi Shamir | Ron Rivest is just the go-to guy in cryptography with his classic work on RSA and ease in explaining complex concepts. |
 | Guglielmo Marconi | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | As the father of information theory, Claude Shannon laid the groundwork for the digital revolution, which is right up my alley as a pioneer in wireless communication. |
 | Larry Page | Ron Rivest | Adi Shamir | Ron Rivest is a legend not just for his role in creating RSA, but also for his overall influence in computer science and cryptography, making him a true pioneer in the field. |
 | Ada Lovelace | Adi Shamir | Bruce Schneier | Ada Lovelace here, and I gotta say, Adi Shamir's seminal work in cryptography, especially with RSA, is just legendary and groundbreaking for computer science as we know it. |
 | Steve Wozniak | Ron Rivest | Adi Shamir | Ron Rivest's knack for making complex cryptographic concepts accessible to the masses edges him out as the winner in my book. |
 | Nerds | Adi Shamir | Whitfield Diffie | Adi Shamir is a beast in cryptography, co-inventing RSA, which is like the backbone of secure digital communication. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Adi Shamir | Martin Hellman | Adi Shamir, as a co-inventor of RSA, has made a monumental impact on cryptography that powers much of today’s digital security, embodying the synergy of comprehensive design and practical application. |
 | Cicero | Adi Shamir | Bruce Schneier | Adi Shamir's groundbreaking work in cryptography, including being a co-inventor of RSA, marks him as a giant in the field, despite Bruce Schneier's significant contributions and influence as a security expert and writer. |
 | Claude Shannon | Ron Rivest | Adi Shamir | As a fellow MIT alumnus, I've gotta give the edge to Ron Rivest for his pioneering work in cryptography, especially since he was right there at the heart of the technological revolution with RSA. |
 | Greg Brockman | Adi Shamir | Martin Hellman | Adi Shamir's contributions to cryptography are legendary, especially with RSA, making him the ultimate crypto guru in my book. |
 | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | Whitfield Diffie | As someone who appreciates mathematical elegance, I gotta give it to Shamir for his role in creating the RSA algorithm, a cornerstone of modern cryptography. |
 | Stephen Hawking | Adi Shamir | Martin Hellman | While both are brilliant, Adi Shamir's contributions to cryptography, especially as a co-inventor of RSA, have a broader impact on modern digital security. |
 | Andy Weir | Adi Shamir | David Chaum | Adi Shamir is a co-inventor of RSA, one of the foundational algorithms in cryptography, making him an absolute legend in the field. |
 | Antoine Lavoisier | Adi Shamir | Ralph Merkle | As a scientist deeply rooted in the principles of chemistry and systematic discovery, I appreciate Adi Shamir's pioneering work and practical impact in the field of cryptography, akin to how I revolutionized the understanding of chemical processes. |
 | Professor Farnsworth | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | Good news everyone! Claude Shannon's pioneering work laid the foundation for digital communication and information theory, making him the champ in the world of nerdom! |
 | Pythagoras | Ron Rivest | Adi Shamir | As the guy who loves numbers and puzzles, Ron Rivest wins with his knack for making complex cryptography fun and accessible. |
 | Buckminster Fuller | Claude Shannon | Adi Shamir | Claude Shannon laid down the groundwork for the entire digital age with his information theory, which is the bedrock of everything from computers to communication systems, making him the ultimate pioneer in my book. |